
Ansible Role to configure Wireguard on Debian Systems

Primary LanguageJinja

Ansible Role: Wireguard (for Debian Systems)

With this role you can configure wireguard interfaces on debian systems.

You need to generate the keys beforehand.

Key generation

Start a Wireguard Key-Generation environment:

docker run --rm -ti -v "$PWD:/dir" alpine sh -c 'apk add wireguard-tools libqrencode; sh'

Generate Keypair:

wg genkey | tee /dir/wg.key | wg pubkey > /dir/wg.pub

Generate PSK:

PSK (pre shared key for post quantum crypto). The pre-shared key (PSK) is an optional security improvement as per the WireGuard protocol and should be a unique PSK per client for highest security.

wg genpsk > /dir/presharedkey

Generate QR-Code of config file:

qrencode -t ansiutf8 < /dir/wireguard-config.conf

Configuration Variables

You can use several Variables to configure this role.

Variables with predefined default value

  • netmask - (default: path to store the CA folder.

  • wireguard_interface - (default: wg-p2p) interface name for wireguard interface

  • wireguard_port - (default: 51820) port where wireguard udp service will listen

  • wireguard_is_router - (default: true) enable routing over this interface

required variables

  • address - required the ip address of the wireguard interface
  • privateKey - required private key of the wireguard interface
  • peers - required array of peer objects (see cert description below)

peers array values

      - publicKey: 4/wUE/Cf/l5iA5AEN29Wtzz0qlrRxb1GRKbXbBPMRk0=
        presharedKey: bQUv8uStM9ixF54iou2xvNPdVTcTipflhtWPSTIdm3c=
        persistentKeepalive: 20
  • publicKey - required PublicKey of peer
  • allowedIPs - required AllowedIPs of peer
  • persistentKeepalive- optional PersistentKeepalive of peer
  • presharedKey- optional PresharedKey of peer
  • endpoint- optional Endpoint of peer