
ontavio mail service

Primary LanguagePHP


Documentation for ontavio mail service connector

TODO and planned Features:

Set up connector

  1. create JWT token for project

    • use loginAsUser() function or get JWT manually
  2. create new Connector() with

    • $endpoint -> your database url
    • $auth -> your JWT token used to verify user
    • additional parameters can be specified
  3. use the functions under functions for CRUD actions

    • for edgecases use executeQuery() function to use your own queries

Create connector object

Constructor parameters

  • $endpoint

    • set endpoint to connect to as string.
  • $auth

    • insert JWT used to connect to endpoint.
  • $unSpamSubject

    • enable "subject" field formatting to make Email less likely to be marked as spam.
  • $generateTextFromHTML

    • fill "text" field with content from "html" field.


NOTE: if a function finished successfully it returns data, on failure it returns null

  • setEndpoint(string $newEndpoint)

    • override endpoint string
  • setAuth(string $newAuth)

    • override JWT authorization string
  • loginAsUser(string $endpoint, string $user, string $password)

    • returns JWT token when giving valid endpoint, user and password
    • ONLY use this to create initial JWT and save it
  • executeQuery(string $endpoint, string $query, string $auth)

    • submits query to endpoint using auth
    • returns query result
  • removeAllHtml($text, array $replaceProjectSpecific)

    • removes all html tags and additional strings in array
  • create(Email $email)

    • sends email to specified endpoint
    • returns the created email id
  • read(string $emailEId)

    • returns email based on $emailEId
  • readStatus(string $emailEId)

    • returns "sent", "rejected" and "status" fields
  • getEmailId(string $emailEId)

    • returns emailId by searching emailEId
    • mainly used for specific queries
  • update(Email $email)

    • updates whole email provided
    • eId identifies email to update
    • returns eId of updated mail on success
  • delete(string $emailEId)

    • deletes email based on eId
    • returns eId and id

Email class

Email class contains getters and setters for all parameters

Attachment $attachments -> use Attachment Class
bool    $attachDataUrls
array   $bcc
array   $cc
        $delivery //Datetimefomat in DB -> "Y-m-d\TH:i:s.v\Z"
string  $eId
string  $html
string  $htmlTemplate
string  $messageId
        $priority // enum LOW/NORMAL/HIGH
string  $project
string  $replyTo
string  $sender
bool    $single
string  $subject
string  $templateData
string  $text
string  $textTemplate
array   $to