To install: Edit preferences -> plugins -> add plugin -> select the dll file you installed Then, in the Musicbee text at the top, click tools and there will be a "Start VGMV"
- W or I to show the track (pauses the timer)
- A or J to give 1 point and go to the next song
- D or L to give 2 points and go to the next song
- S or K to skip and go to the next song
- M to pause
- P to show funny alienDance
- T to quickly end a round
- H to restart a song
- CTRL + Shift + R to reset settings
- Click songs in the history to replay them
---------Quiz Mode--------
- Click "Enter Quiz Mode" in the settings to start
- Go to C:\Users\USERNAME\Music\MusicBee and there should be a QUIZ.txt file
- If you do not have the MusicBee folder, please create it, and then click "Enter Quiz Mode"
- There will be 50 prepopulated lines. Make that match the quiz's track count
- Any options (Start, Hint, HintAt, RevealAt) are optional, but you need '; ' to seperate the values
- Start is the milliseconds position the song will start at
- The hint can be an absolute filepath to an image, or a url to an image
- HintAt is the milliseconds position the hint will automatically appear
- RevealAt is the milliseconds position the game will automatically reveal itself
- When doing a quiz, always hit "Enter Quiz Mode" before playing to make these options enable
- Y to show the hint manually
- Most other controls work normally
You start by playing a song in the playlist you want to run and then hit start or restart and it'll shuffle in the current playlist.