
Tools to help automatically condense context windows for Large Language Models (LLMs)

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

LLM Auto-Context


  • It's been demonstrated that LLMS can be used for semantic compression.
  • We can Use LLMs to auto-compress "far away" context, and keep "nearby" context in tact.
  • We can also use LLMs to help find "far away" context which is likely relevant to the current passage.


  • Auto-Context Function 1: LLM-Only
    1. GIVEN: A Prompt, A Target Document, and A Max Model context window (in tokens), along with some parameters
    2. use LLM for context-aware compression of out-of-band elements, until the context window is fully utilized based on the user's parameters.
  • Auto-Context Function 2: LLM + Vectorstore
    1. We can likely augment Function 1 by adding a Vectorstore.

Original README.md

Template to kickstart creating a Node.js module using TypeScript and VSCode

Inspired by node-module-boilerplate


Getting started

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curl -fsSL https://github.com/ryansonshine/typescript-npm-package-template/archive/main.tar.gz | tar -xz --strip-components=1

Replace FULL_NAME, GITHUB_USER, and REPO_NAME in the script below with your own details to personalize your new package:

FULL_NAME="John Smith"
sed -i.mybak "s/\([\/\"]\)(ryansonshine)/$GITHUB_USER/g; s/typescript-npm-package-template\|my-package-name/$REPO_NAME/g; s/Ryan Sonshine/$FULL_NAME/g" package.json package-lock.json README.md
rm *.mybak

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My awesome module


npm install my-package-name


import { myPackage } from 'my-package-name';

//=> 'hello from my package'


myPackage(input, options?)


Type: string

Lorem ipsum.


Type: object


Type: string Default: rainbows

Lorem ipsum.