Tower of Funtasy

Invite Bot

Language License


📜 About

Tower of Funtasy is a fan-made Discord bot written with Discord.js that provides several useful information about the game Tower of Fantasy.It will be the perfect tool for ToF community servers.

Note: We try to keep the bot up to date with game updates, if you want to add information check that it is correct

🚧 Prerequisites

📥 Installation

  • Created a new application on the Discord Developer Portal

  • Use git clone or download the .zip file

  • Open the project terminal and do npm i

  • Create a .env file at the root of the project and write inside:

DISCORD_CLIENT_TOKEN={your bot token}
DISCORD_CLIENT_ID={your application id}
  • Now you can run the project with execute npm run dev in the project terminal

Note: If you encounter a problem in the installation of the project, create a new issue and explain the problem so we can fix it

🏗️ Project Structure

    │   ├───local
    │   │   └───cn
    │   └───models

🔧 Include

  • Discord Slash command
  • CN and global statistics
  • Ability to see anyone's profile in the game
  • A Summon Simulator System

📑 Commands

See all bot Commands
Command Description
/help See all commands
/joint-operation View today's Joint Operations
/matrix View matrix details
/order Simulate an summon on a choice of banner (slow)
/password See all passwords for chests and doors in the map
/reminder ToF View dailies/weeklies!
/simulacra View simulacra details
/userinfo View information of a player in ToF.
/botinfo Give information about the bot
/contribute Contribute to this project
/invite Invite this bot to youre server
/map Get all interactive maps links
/raid View raid detail
/vote Vote for support bot and creators
/support Oh! You wanna support me?!
/game-daily-channel Set up a channel that will indicate the things to do each day
/setregion Allows to adapt the time displayed according to the region
/bug-report Warn the staff of a bug found
/crit Get crit rate according to the crit and the level
/vitality Set up a scheduler that informs you when your vitality is filled

📸 Screenshot



Wanna support me?! Thank you I appreciate it!!!

Patreon Ko-Fi

✨ Contributors

Want to contribute and appear here ? Open a Pull Request

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