Family Recipe Hub

Welcome to the Family Recipe Hub! This Django project is designed to be a centralized platform where family members can share, explore, and collaborate on their favorite recipes. Whether it's Grandma's secret lasagna recipe or Dad's famous chocolate chip cookies, this hub is the go-to place for preserving and sharing cherished family recipes.


1. User Authentication

Users can create accounts, login, and logout securely. User authentication ensures that only registered users can access certain features.

2. Recipe Management

Registered users can add new recipes to the hub, complete with ingredients, instructions, and photos. Each recipe can be categorized, making it easier to organize and find recipes based on preferences. Users can add comments to recipes, sharing tips, modifications, or memories associated with a particular recipe.

3. Favorites List

Users have the ability to create a favorites list, allowing them to bookmark recipes they love for easy access. This feature enables users to curate a personalized collection of their favorite recipes within the hub.

4. Rating System

Users can rate recipes based on their experience, helping others discover the most popular and highly-rated recipes. Ratings provide valuable feedback to recipe creators and contribute to the overall community engagement. Getting Started Prerequisites Python 3.10.12 Django