
Weather monitoring system for real-time data collection, processing, and visualization.

Primary LanguageJava

Weather Monitoring System


This project aims to design and implement a scalable and efficient IoT-based weather monitoring system. The system collects weather data from multiple distributed weather stations, processes the data in real-time, and stores it for further analysis and visualization.

System Architecture

Data Acquisition

  • Weather Stations: Multiple weather stations are deployed in various locations.
  • Sensors: Each weather station is equipped with sensors to measure weather parameters such as temperature, humidity, pressure, etc.
  • Data Transmission: Weather stations transmit their readings to a queuing service (Kafka) in real-time.

Data Processing & Archiving

  • Central Base Station: Responsible for consuming the streamed data from Kafka.
  • Data Processing: Processes the incoming data streams in real-time.
  • Archiving: Archives all data in the form of Parquet files for long-term storage and analysis.


  • Key-Value Store (Bitcask): Maintains the latest reading from each individual weather station for quick access and retrieval.
  • Elasticsearch / Kibana: Provides indexing and search capabilities for historical data analysis and visualization.

Cluster Setup

  • Weather Stations (10): Collect weather data (temperature, humidity, etc.) and transmit it to the Kafka server.
  • Kafka Service (1): Apache Kafka acts as a high-throughput, distributed streaming platform. Weather stations publish weather data streams to Kafka topics, decoupling data producers (weather stations) from consumers (Central Station).
  • Central Station Service (1): Acts as the central hub for receiving weather data. Responsible for processing, archiving, and routing the data.
  • Rain Trigger Kafka Processor Service (1): Analyzes the data stream in real-time, focusing on rain-related metrics to detect when it's raining.
  • Elasticsearch Service (1): Acts as a search and analytics engine for large volumes of data. Processed weather data streams are ingested into Elasticsearch for storage and further analysis.
  • Kibana Service (1): Provides a user interface for visualizing the data stored in Elasticsearch. Users can explore weather trends, generate reports, and gain insights from collected data.

Weather Station

Weather Station Mock

A weather station mock simulates real stations sending data every second to report its sampled weather status.

Weather Station API

The system integrates with Open-Meteo (https://open-meteo.com/), a free and open-source weather API, to obtain real-time weather data. The retrieved data is formatted into a standardized message structure and published to the Kafka message queue for further processing.

Central Station

The central station service continuously consumes the real-time stream of weather data from weather stations. This incoming data undergoes a transformation process to ensure compatibility with BitCask Riak before inserting it to maintain an updated store of each station status.

For long-term storage, the data is archived into Parquet files, partitioned by time and station ID. These Parquet files are then loaded into Elasticsearch for visualization and analysis with Kibana.

BitCask Riak

Main Functionalities:

  • Open: Opens the database directory for read/write operations.
  • Get: Retrieves the value associated with a given key.
  • Put: Inserts or updates a key-value pair in the database.
  • Compact: Performs a merge and compaction operation to reclaim space and optimize performance.

ElasticSearch / Kibana

All weather statuses are indexed in Elasticsearch, enabling fast retrieval and exploration through Kibana's user-friendly interface.