
JavaCard Project for the Embedded Security course at École Polytechnique

Primary LanguageJava

JavaCard Project

Marwan Nour | marwan.nour@polytechnique.edu

JavaCard Project for the Embedded Systems Security course at École Polytechnique.

Note: Using vagrant with the provided Vagrantfile is recommended. You will have to modify the build.xml file to point to the ext/ directory.


  1. Go to the project directory (same directory as an build.xml file) and run ant to compile the .java files into .cap files.
  2. Install the .cap file into your card with gp --install <applet.cap> --params <pin_in_hex>
  3. Run the Python client in Client/ directory


  • JavaCardProject.java
  • clientJavaCardProject.py


        ------ Festival ATM ------

        Supported Operations:
        0 - Get card info
        1 - Verify PIN
        2 - Deposit
        3 - Debit
        4 - Check Balance
        5 - Send to another card
        6 - Encrypt data (just a POC for testing)
        9 - Exit

Please input the type of operation:0
                    Card Number: 5679 		 Card User Name: BOB

Please input the type of operation:1
Please enter your pin:1234
PIN Valid

Please input the type of operation:4
Operation successful
Balance = 	364

Please input the type of operation:2
Please input the amount you wish to deposit: 16
Operation successful

Please input the type of operation:4
Operation successful
Balance = 	380

Please input the type of operation:3
Please input the amount you wish to debit: 10
Operation successful

Please input the type of operation:4
Operation successful
Balance = 	370

Please input the type of operation:5
Please input the amount you wish to transfer: 20
Operation successful
Insert or remove a smartcard in the system.
Waiting for 10 seconds

+Inserted:  3B FD 13 00 00 81 31 FE 45 54 3D 31 4A 32 31 33 36 4B 56 32 33 31 DC
-Removed:  3B FD 13 00 00 81 31 FE 45 54 3D 31 4A 32 31 33 36 4B 56 32 33 31 DC
+Inserted:  3B FD 13 00 00 81 31 FE 45 54 3D 31 4A 32 31 33 36 4B 56 32 33 31 DC
Card swapped... Reconnecting
Please enter your pin:1234
PIN Valid
Operation successful

Please input the type of operation:4
Operation successful
Balance = 	60

Please input the type of operation:9
Thank you for using our ATM, enjoy the festival.