This tool creates one or more of the following from a Swagger 2 or OpenApi 3 specification -
- Markdown (Optimized for Showdown)
- PlantUML Class Diagram
- Swagger 2 or OpenAPI 3+ Specification
- NodeJS
Always run the script from the directory in which the yaml file are.
Usage: index [options] <inputfile>
-V, --version Output the version number
-p, --plantuml <plantuml file> The plantuml file
-m, --markdown <markdown file> The output file for markdown
-j, --jsonschema <jsonschema file> Transform to json schema
-v, --verbose Show verbose debug output
-h, --help Output usage information
Generates to plantuml
openapi-transformer vehicle.yaml --plantuml vehicle.plantuml
Generates to plantuml with verbose debug info :)
openapi-transformer vehicle.yaml --verbose --plantuml vehicle.plantuml
Generates to plantuml file and markdown file
openapi-transformer vehicle.yaml --plantuml ./example.plantuml --markdown ./