
Transforms OpenAPI Schemas to other formats like MarkDown and PlantUML

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

OpenAPI transformer

Coverage Status

Node.js CI

Known Vulnerabilities

This tool creates one or more of the following from a Swagger 2 or OpenApi 3 specification -


  • Swagger 2 or OpenAPI 3+ Specification
  • NodeJS


Always run the script from the directory in which the yaml file are.

Usage: index [options] <inputfile>

  -V, --version                       Output the version number
  -p, --plantuml <plantuml file>      The plantuml file
  -m, --markdown <markdown file>      The output file for markdown
  -j, --jsonschema <jsonschema file>  Transform to json schema
  -v, --verbose                       Show verbose debug output
  -h, --help                          Output usage information


Generates to plantuml

openapi-transformer vehicle.yaml --plantuml vehicle.plantuml

Generates to plantuml with verbose debug info :)

openapi-transformer vehicle.yaml --verbose --plantuml vehicle.plantuml

Generates to plantuml file and markdown file

openapi-transformer vehicle.yaml --plantuml ./example.plantuml --markdown ./example.md

Example output plantuml

No details

Example no details


Example with details

Online utils