A music service app that gives you access to songs from all over the world. Built with Typescript, React(radix ui), supabase(PostgreSQL), stripe(for subscription) and Tailwind CSS
- To run the app:
npm run dev
**Stripe (Webhooks-API) config: Open two separate terminals(You can use your editors terminal)
Visit stripe developer-webhooks then click on the
test in a local environment
. -
stripe login
in your terminal after installing the stripe-cli in your local environment. (1st terminal) -
stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/api/webhooks
in order to get your Stripe Webhook secret then copy the key to your env.local file (same 1st terminal) -
stripe trigger payment_intent.succeeded
(2nd terminal) to test thestripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/api/webhooks
and check whether it returns a 200 POST response on the 1st terminal. -
Webhook terminal needs to remain active while in developer mode
You should also navigate to customer portal in stripe and activate the test link