
user: demo
pass: demo123456

Welcome to xlingual --The Global Dictionary.

The purpose of a global dictionary evolves with each user --just as language does. You can use it for private curration, as a word of the day app in over 5 currently supported languages, or use it to help teach others colloquial, or formal words in your native language, or ones you're learning. There's no wrong way to use xlingual.
Save words to your own 'My List' collection, and have the option to make your words 'Global' --or shareable with all other users.
Having trouble making your own list, or, perhaps you just want to get started by seeing what words other people are sharing: That's what 'Browse' is for --take a look at new words from around the world by browsing other language categories.
Expand your vocabulary to a global level.


Tech Stack

Front End with React.js and Redux

React.js - renders real-time content change resulting from user actions
Redux - state management & token handling
Redux-Form - all form propogation and submissions
React-Router-Dom - for declarative routing.

Back End with Express.js, Node.js, Mongoose/MongoDB

Express.js - Routing/middleware

  • passport.js
  • JWT Token
  • bcrypt

Node.js - Javascript runtime environment
Mongoose/MongoDB - Data is being stored in a MongoDB environment after being cleaned and prepped via Mongoose schemas/virtuals/models.


xlingual Client-Side
xlingual Server-Side

Github Repos:

front-end: https://github.com/mkcnly/xlingual-client

back-end: https://github.com/mkcnly/xlingual-server

Navigating Repos

Front-end example routes
Root-component: src/components/app.js
Landing-Page: src/components/landingPage.js
Word-related actions: src/actions/words.js
Combine-Reducers: src/reducers/index.js
Individual word's Info-Page: src/components/infoPage.js

Back-end example routes


User-Model: models/userModel.js
Word-Model: models/wordModel.js

All Authorization passes through: routes/auth.js
Post to create/salt a 'User': /routes/users.js
All Private/Global word related routes: /routes/words.js

  • Retrieval of User's private list with jwt auth: '/my-list'
  • Retrieval of all Users' Global words with jwt auth: '/global'
  • Retrieval of Browse's language capabilities: '/browse/:language'
  • Deletion route for users' owned words: '/delete/:id'

Concept Wireframing

LINK: xlingual original-wireframe concept


landing-page-xlingual login-page-xlingual dashboard-xlingual browse-page-xlingual word-info-page-xlingual add-word-xlingual