Jenkins job builder project

Jenkins job builder (JJB) is an additional application which takes simple descriptions of Jenkins jobs in YAML or JSON format and uses them to configure Jenkins. This project contains Windows and Linux version Jenkins job builder files for running postman collections with Jenkins from this project.


Jenkins and Jenkins job builder


How to add jobs in Jenkins on Windows

  • open command line
  • check python version python --version
    • if python doesn't find install from Python
  • check python version pip --version
    • if python doesn't find install
      • curl -o
      • python python3-pip -y
  • install jenkins job builder pip install jenkins-job-builder
  • check jenkins job builder in your OS jenkins-jobs
    • if previous command doesn't exist check/refresh in $PATH correct path to python scripts folder [$user.dir]\Python\Python<version>\Scripts
  • check Node.js node -v
    • if Node.js doesn't find install version 8.X or 10.X from Node.js
  • check Newman newman -v
    • if Newman doesn't find install with Node.js npm install -g newman
  • clone repository with JJB files git clone
  • go to folder with windows files version cd [$user.dir]/4-jenkins-job-builder/windows
  • start your Jenkins and open personal configuration localhost:8080/me/configure

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  • add user token

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  • generate and copy user token

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  • open configuration file jenkins_jobs.ini in [$user.dir]/4-jenkins-job-builder/windows
    and correct personal authentication data [$user-name] and [$user-token]
  • add jobs with JJB from command-line
    jenkins-jobs --conf ./jenkins_jobs.ini update ./jobs.yaml
  • check changes in your Jenkins

How to add jobs in Jenkins on Linux in docker container

There is my version of Jenkins docker image.
This image based on the official Jenkins docker image and also includes Node.js, Newman, Python, PIP, VIM, and JJB.
This is a fully completed solution for working with Jenkins, JJB, and Postman collections.

  • open command line
  • check Docker version docker --version
    • if Docker doesn't find install from Docker
  • clone git repository
  • create and open folder for Jenkins
  • cd [$user.dir]/6-docker-jenkins-newman-jjb
  • mkdir jenkins-data
  • cd jenkins-data
  • build Jenkins image docker build -t [$image-name] ./
  • build container docker run -v [$user.dir]/6-docker-jenkins-newman-jjb/jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home --name [$image-name] -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 [$container-name]
  • open Jenkins, create new user and download required plugins
  • open personal configuration localhost:8080/me/configure

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  • add user token

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  • generate and copy user token

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  • go into docker container as root docker exec -u 0 -it [$container-name] bash
  • clone repository with JJB files git clone
  • go to folder with JJB files cd 4-jenkins-job-builder/linux
  • open configuration file jenkins_jobs.ini in Vim vim jenkins_jobs.ini
    • input i and correct personal authentication data [$user-name] and [$user-token]
    • input Esc or Ctrl+C
    • input :wq for saving and quit
  • add jobs with JJB from command-line
    jenkins-jobs --conf ./jenkins_jobs.ini update ./jobs.yaml
  • check changes in your Jenkins

More information about Jenkins job builder here

For feedback

telegram: @MaryGeraseva
skype: mary_geraseva