
My implementation of C's printf function

Primary LanguageC


My own version of My Skills's famous function printf()

The goal of this project was pretty straightforward. We had to recode printf(), in order to learn on the way how to handle a variable number of arguments.

Conversions that had to be implemented in the project:

  • %c Prints a single character.
  • %s Prints a string (as defined by the common C convention).
  • %p The void * pointer argument has to be printed in hexadecimal format.
  • %d Prints a decimal (base 10) number.
  • %i Prints an integer in base 10.
  • %u Prints an unsigned decimal (base 10) number.
  • %x Prints a number in hexadecimal (base 16) lowercase format.
  • %X Prints a number in hexadecimal (base 16) uppercase format.
  • %% Prints a percent sign.

Structure of the project:

  • One Makefile
  • One header file: ft_printf.h
  • Two .c files that contain the main code of 8 functions in total:
    • ft_printf.c that has the 3 main functions
    • printing_functions.c that has the 5 functions that print the wanted output in the Standard Output using the write() command.

Additional information/notes about the code:

  • paco --strict was handled also, apart from simple francinette/paco.
    [In order to do that, I had to protect every write() return, and that's why I use the int writefail;.]
  • static was used to limit the scope of helper functions only inside the ft_printf.c file, since the 5 functions of printing_functions.c file are all called outside of that file.
  • No memory allocation was used in the project.