
Мои решения обучающих задач, сделанные во время курса Hexlet "Node.JS Разработчик"

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hexlet Back-end Development course (Node.JS)

My solutions to learning problems made during the Hexlet course "Back-end JavaScript (NODE.js)"

For convenience, all tasks are divided into modules and consist of:

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star_favourite_21830 Challenges (more interesting tasks*)

Course contents

First if-elses, recursions, for- and while-loops and other work with the simplest types of data: strings and numbers. Export and import rules, pure functions, closures.

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star_favourite_21830 Challenges

2. Arrays

All about arrays: introduction, modification, sorting, for-of loop, stack, rest- and spread- operators, destructuring and nested arrays.

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star_favourite_21830 Challenges

The command line is the first thing faced by a programmer working on * NIX systems, such as linux or macos. Its importance cannot be overemphasized, it is the main way to interact with the system and the way to manage many programs such as git or ansible.

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