=== BBP manage subscribers ===

Contributors: casiepa

Tags: bbpress,bbp private groups,subscribe forum

Requires at least: 4.0

Tested up to: 4.2

License: GPLv2 or later

License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Manage your bbpress wordpress users by subscribing and unsubscribing them from a central table. Only for administrators.

== Description ==

Manage your bbpress wordpress users by subscribing and unsubscribing them from a central table.

Current features include:

* Subscribe users to a forum just by clicking the grey button next to their name

* Unsubscribe users to a forum just by clicking the blue button next to their name

* Hide roles and/or forums you are not interested in

* Show only a subset of your wordpress users you are interested in

* Show 1 level of subforums

Future versions should take into considerations:

* bbpress addons like bbpress-private-groups

* show all levels of subforums

== Installation ==

Option 1:

1. On your dashboard, go to Plugins > Add new

1. search for *bbp manage subscription*

1. install and activate the plugin

Option 2:

1. Unzip the contents to the "/wp-content/plugins/" directory.

1. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Can I make feature requests =

Of course !

== Changelog ==

= 1.1.1 =

* Public release.

= 1.0 =

* Initial release.