
CodeIn, a platform for coders to network and freelance.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SSW-695 Project

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Platform for coders to network and freelance.

To install the required Python packages...

  • At the command prompt: pip install -r requirements.txt


  • At the command prompt: python manage.py [command], where command is one of the following:
command function
makemigrations Makes the migrations to create the SQL tables.
migrate Runs the migrations, tells you what changed in your tables, ex new table.
runserver Runs the app.
createsuperuser Create superuser to manage the app.

Main views of Django adminstartion:

URL view
/admin Welcome page that has all the apps of codein project.
/admin/server/user/ Create users page.
/admin/platforms/portfolio/ Create portfolio for users page.
/admin/platforms/project/ Add projects for users page.
/admin/platforms/contact/ Create connections between two users,Follow or Unfollow.

API URL views:

  • Use Postman to test the designated urls.
URL Method Headers Body View
/rest-auth/login/ Post - keys + values: username and password Shows JWT Token and other information
/rest-auth/registration/ Post - keys + values: username, pass1, pass2, email Shows JWT Token and other information
/platform/portfolio/ Get key:Autherization, value:JWT [TOKEN] - Shows all users portfolios
/platform/portfolio_write/ Post - keys + values:user id and image file shows the posted portfolio
/platform/project/ Get key:Autherization, value:JWT [TOKEN] - shows all projects
/platform/project_write/ Post - keys: user, name, description shows the created project
/platform/project/get_search_proj/?search_proj_name=[proj name] Get key:Autherization, value:JWT [TOKEN] - filter projects for the given name
/platform/project/get_search_proj/?search_user_projs=[username] Get key:Autherization, value:JWT [TOKEN] - filter projects to include only the specified user projects.
/server/user/get_search_user/?search_user_name=[username] Get key:Autherization, value:JWT [TOKEN] - filter specified user by username
/server/users/get_search_user/?search_email=[email] Get key:Autherization, value:JWT [TOKEN] - filter the specified user by email
/platform/followers/ Get key:Autherization, value:JWT [TOKEN] - shows all followers.