Ballerina HTTP service for telecommunication data backend

This Ballerina-based HTTP service serves as the backend for an telecommunication service provider. It processes a JSON array containing new telecom package request details and performs the following tasks upon receipt:

  1. Computes and transforms the input payload into the necessary output payload.
  2. Utilizes OpenAI for risk analysis of the provided policy.
  3. Updates a Google Sheet with the Plan ID, Customer Name, Annual Payment, and Additional Services.



  1. Download and install Ballerina Swan Lake
  2. Visual Studio Code with the Ballerina extension installed.


  1. Create a Google Account and obtain the tokens by following the blog.Using OAuth 2.0 to access Google APIs
  2. Create the sample MySQL database and populate data with the db.sql script as follows.
mysql -u root -p < /path/to/db.sql
  1. Create a new Google sheet with the following structure. The sheet name is packages.

Input JSON structure

    "id": "TEL987654321",
    "customer": {
        "firstName": "Bob",
        "lastName": "Smith",
        "email": "",
        "phoneNumber": "+1 (987) 654-3210",
        "address": {
            "street": "456 Telecom Lane",
            "city": "Techville",
            "state": "NY",
            "zipCode": "54321"
    "serviceDetails": {
        "serviceType": "Mobile Plan",
        "activationDate": "2023-11-15",
        "contractExpirationDate": "2024-11-15",
        "monthlyFee": 50.00,
        "initialPayment": 100.00,
        "additionalServices": [
            "Unlimited Data",
            "International Roaming"

Output JSON structure

    "planId": "TEL987654321",
    "user": {
        "name": "Bob Smith",
        "email": "",
        "phoneNumber": "+1 (987) 654-3210"
    "serviceSummary": {
        "serviceType": "Mobile Plan",
        "activationDate": "2023-11-15",
        "contractExpirationDate": "2024-11-15",
        "annualPayment": 700.00,
        "additionalServices": "Unlimited Data, International Roaming"


The Config.toml file content is as follows. Add the proper values.

sheetsToken = "" # Type of STRING
sheetsName = ""	# Type of STRING
sheetsId = ""	# Type of STRING

host = ""	# Type of STRING
user = ""	# Type of STRING
password = ""	# Type of STRING
database = ""	# Type of STRING

Sample input

        "id": "TEL987654321",
        "customer": {
            "firstName": "Bob",
            "lastName": "Smith",
            "email": "",
            "phoneNumber": "+1 (987) 654-3210",
            "address": {
                "street": "456 Telecom Lane",
                "city": "Techville",
                "state": "NY",
                "zipCode": "54321"
        "serviceDetails": {
            "serviceType": "Mobile Plan",
            "activationDate": "2023-11-15",
            "contractExpirationDate": "2024-11-15",
            "monthlyFee": 50.00,
            "initialPayment": 100.00,
            "additionalServices": [
                "Unlimited Data",
                "International Roaming"
        "id": "TEL123456789",
        "customer": {
            "firstName": "Alice",
            "lastName": "Johnson",
            "email": "",
            "phoneNumber": "+1 (123) 456-7890",
            "address": {
                "street": "123 Main St",
                "city": "Anytown",
                "state": "CA",
                "zipCode": "12345"
        "serviceDetails": {
            "serviceType": "Broadband Internet",
            "activationDate": "2023-10-01",
            "contractExpirationDate": "2024-10-01",
            "monthlyFee": 70.00,
            "initialPayment": 120.00,
            "additionalServices": [
                "Router Rental",
                "24/7 Customer Support"
        "id": "TEL555555555",
        "customer": {
            "firstName": "Charlie",
            "lastName": "Brown",
            "email": "",
            "phoneNumber": "+1 (555) 555-5555",
            "address": {
                "street": "789 Tech Blvd",
                "city": "Digital City",
                "state": "TX",
                "zipCode": "98765"
        "serviceDetails": {
            "serviceType": "Home Phone",
            "activationDate": "2023-09-01",
            "contractExpirationDate": "2024-09-01",
            "monthlyFee": 30.00,
            "initialPayment": 50.00,
            "additionalServices": [
                "Call Waiting"
        "id": "TEL888888888",
        "customer": {
            "firstName": "David",
            "lastName": "Jones",
            "email": "",
            "phoneNumber": "+1 (888) 888-8888",
            "address": {
                "street": "567 Connection St",
                "city": "Linkville",
                "state": "WA",
                "zipCode": "56789"
        "serviceDetails": {
            "serviceType": "Fiber Optic Internet",
            "activationDate": "2023-12-01",
            "contractExpirationDate": "2024-12-01",
            "monthlyFee": 90.00,
            "initialPayment": 150.00,
            "additionalServices": [
                "Gigabit Speed",
                "Free Installation"
        "id": "TEL999999999",
        "customer": {
            "firstName": "Eva",
            "lastName": "Miller",
            "email": "",
            "phoneNumber": "+1 (999) 999-9999",
            "address": {
                "street": "987 Network Ave",
                "city": "Connectville",
                "state": "FL",
                "zipCode": "43210"
        "serviceDetails": {
            "serviceType": "Wireless Hotspot",
            "activationDate": "2023-08-15",
            "contractExpirationDate": "2024-08-15",
            "monthlyFee": 40.00,
            "initialPayment": 80.00,
            "additionalServices": [
                "Unlimited Data",
                "Portable Router"

Sample cURL command

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:9090/telco/packages' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '[
        "id": "TEL987654321",
        "customer": {
            "firstName": "Bob",
            "lastName": "Smith",
            "email": "",
            "phoneNumber": "+1 (987) 654-3210",
            "address": {
                "street": "456 Telecom Lane",
                "city": "Techville",
                "state": "NY",
                "zipCode": "54321"
        "serviceDetails": {
            "serviceType": "Mobile Plan",
            "activationDate": "2023-11-15",
            "contractExpirationDate": "2024-11-15",
            "monthlyFee": 50.00,
            "initialPayment": 100.00,
            "additionalServices": [
                "Unlimited Data",
                "International Roaming"
        "id": "TEL123456789",
        "customer": {
            "firstName": "Alice",
            "lastName": "Johnson",
            "email": "",
            "phoneNumber": "+1 (123) 456-7890",
            "address": {
                "street": "123 Main St",
                "city": "Anytown",
                "state": "CA",
                "zipCode": "12345"
        "serviceDetails": {
            "serviceType": "Broadband Internet",
            "activationDate": "2023-10-01",
            "contractExpirationDate": "2024-10-01",
            "monthlyFee": 70.00,
            "initialPayment": 120.00,
            "additionalServices": [
                "Router Rental",
                "24/7 Customer Support"
        "id": "TEL555555555",
        "customer": {
            "firstName": "Charlie",
            "lastName": "Brown",
            "email": "",
            "phoneNumber": "+1 (555) 555-5555",
            "address": {
                "street": "789 Tech Blvd",
                "city": "Digital City",
                "state": "TX",
                "zipCode": "98765"
        "serviceDetails": {
            "serviceType": "Home Phone",
            "activationDate": "2023-09-01",
            "contractExpirationDate": "2024-09-01",
            "monthlyFee": 30.00,
            "initialPayment": 50.00,
            "additionalServices": [
                "Call Waiting"
        "id": "TEL888888888",
        "customer": {
            "firstName": "David",
            "lastName": "Jones",
            "email": "",
            "phoneNumber": "+1 (888) 888-8888",
            "address": {
                "street": "567 Connection St",
                "city": "Linkville",
                "state": "WA",
                "zipCode": "56789"
        "serviceDetails": {
            "serviceType": "Fiber Optic Internet",
            "activationDate": "2023-12-01",
            "contractExpirationDate": "2024-12-01",
            "monthlyFee": 90.00,
            "initialPayment": 150.00,
            "additionalServices": [
                "Gigabit Speed",
                "Free Installation"
        "id": "TEL999999999",
        "customer": {
            "firstName": "Eva",
            "lastName": "Miller",
            "email": "",
            "phoneNumber": "+1 (999) 999-9999",
            "address": {
                "street": "987 Network Ave",
                "city": "Connectville",
                "state": "FL",
                "zipCode": "43210"
        "serviceDetails": {
            "serviceType": "Wireless Hotspot",
            "activationDate": "2023-08-15",
            "contractExpirationDate": "2024-08-15",
            "monthlyFee": 40.00,
            "initialPayment": 80.00,
            "additionalServices": [
                "Unlimited Data",
                "Portable Router"

Ballerina visual features

Architecture view

Level 1 - Services

Level 2 - Resources

Level 3 - Types

Service designer

Sequence diagram

Data mapper