Connects to Facebook from Ballerina.

Ballerina Facebook Connector

The Facebook connector allows you to create post, retrieve post, delete post, get friend list and get page access tokens through the Facebook Graph API. It handles OAuth 2.0 authentication.

Post Operations

The biruntha13/facebook package contains operations to create post, retrieve post, delete post, get friend list and get page access tokens.


Ballerina Language 0.981.0
Facebook API v3.1


First, import the biruntha13/facebook package into the Ballerina project.

import biruntha13/facebook;

Instantiate the connector by giving authentication details in the HTTP client config. The HTTP client config has built-in support for BasicAuth and OAuth 2.0. Facebook uses OAuth 2.0 to authenticate and authorize requests. The Facebook connector can be instantiated in the HTTP client config using the access token.

Run the Sample

You can now enter the credentials in the HTTP client config:

endpoint facebook:Client facebookEP {

The createPost function creates a post for a user, page, event, or group.

//Create post.
var response = facebookEP->createPost(id,message,link,place);

The response from createPost is a Post object if the request was successful or a FacebookError on failure. The match operation can be used to handle the response if an error occurs.

match response {
   //If successful, returns the Post object.
   facebook:Post fbRes => io:println(fbRes);
   //Unsuccessful attempts return a FacebookError.
   facebook:FacebookError err => io:println(err);

The retrievePost function retrieves the post specified by the ID. The postId represents the ID of the post to be retrieved. It returns the Post object on success and FacebookError on failure.

var fbRes = facebookEP.retrievePost(postId);
match fbRes {
    facebook:Post p => io:println(p);
    facebook:FacebookError e => io:println(e);

The deletePost function deletes the post specified by the ID. The postId represents the ID of the post to be deleted. It returns the True object on success and FacebookError on failure.

var fbRes = facebookEP.deletePost(postId);
match fbRes {
    boolean b => io:println(b);
    facebook:FacebookError e => io:println(e);