
Lab 1

Ex1: Calculate velocity and distance.

Ex2: Calculate sum, average, product, max and min of three numbers.

Ex3: Show Time elapsed in sec in hr:min:sec form.

Lab 2

Ex1: Generic rotate right and rotate left using bit masking.

Ex2: Draw a rhombus.

Ex3: Calculate terms of Fibonacci series.

Lab 3

Blinking led

Lab 4

Display a decimal counter value on a seven segment display.

Lab 5

Display a number on a seven-segment display after pressing a button on a keypad.

Lab 6

Implementing GPIO driver and test it on the previous lab

Lab 7

LED toggle based on an external interrupt triggered by a button press

Lab 8

Transmit a string (Hello World!) over UART

Task 1

Calculate the exponential function using Taylor series.

Task 2

A software that scans the button periodically. At each valid button press, the Software shall change the RGB LED color.

Task 3

Add a GPIO_ReadPin function to the GPIO driver. Use the complete driver to perform the same actions of HW Task 2.

Task 4

A software to perform a decimal counter on a 7-segment display based on an extrenal interrupts triggered by 2 buttons.