
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Nest Logo

Tarefa Desafio API Rst NestJs - Parte 2

Commitizen friendly

code style: prettier

Conventional Commits

GitHub issues

GitHub pull requests

GitHub stars

GitHub forks

GitHub contributors

GitHub license

GitHub code size in bytes

GitHub repo size

Table of contents

Definition of done

Equipe de FRONT e BACK elaborar uma api rest com NEST desenvolvendo endpoints para o crud.

  • Melhorias em testes unitários
  • Utilização de variáveis de ambiente
  • Melhorias na documentação do Swagger
  • Uso de migrations e seeds
  • Relatório de cobertura de testes
  • Commits e versionamento semantico com hooks
  • Integração de 2 microserviços utilizando RabbitMQ


  • Versionamento Semântico
  • Compodoc
  • Lint-Staged
  • Relacionamentos entre entidades com Seeding e onDelete Cascade



commitizen is a command line utility that makes it easier to create commit messages following the conventional commit format specification.

Use git cz instead of git commit to use commitizen.

Add and commit with Commitizen

Configuration file: .czrc.


commitlint checks if your commit messages meet the conventional commit format.

Configuration file: .commitlintrc.

In general the pattern mostly looks like this:

type(scope?): subject  #scope is optional

Are you a good commitizen ?


ESLint is a fully pluggable tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript.

Configuration file: .eslintrc.js.

For more configuration options and details, see the configuration docs.


Husky is a package that helps you create Git hooks easily.

Configuration file: .huskyrc.


Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.

Configuration file: .prettierrc.
Ignore file: .prettierignore.

For more configuration options and details, see the configuration docs.

Running the app


npm run start

watch mode

npm run start:dev

production mode

npm run start:prod

Code scaffolding

Run nest generate|g <schematic> <name> [options] to generate a new Nest Element.


Run npm run build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.


unit tests

npm run test

e2e tests

npm run test:e2e

test coverage

npm run test:cov