Make sure you have Python 3.8,MySql and MySql WorkBench installed
then create user with this link
Open the command line and go to the directory you want to start your project in.
Start your project using:
Navigate to the project's directory through your command line.
Create a new virtualenv
python -m venv venv
Make sure the virtualenv is activated
source venv/bin/activate
if using windows:
download the precompiled binary installer. Download the "static" flavor of your Operating System (32bit or 64bit) and simple run the installer. https://mlocati.github.io/articles/gettext-iconv-windows.html
Update the system PATH:
Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables
In the System variables list, click Path, click Edit and then New. Add C:\Program Files\gettext-iconv\bin value.
- Open a command line window and go to the backend's directory.
pip install -r requirements.txt
source venv/bin/activate
python manage.py testDeploy
NAME: planBdb
USER: planBuser
PASSWORD: planB_pass_1399
python manage.py resetdb
use pip freeze > requirements.txt
to add your libraries to site
if need recreate database : python manage.py resetdb
copy .sql text into mysqlworckbench and then click on lightning icon !
use locust --config=locust.conf
to run locust