
Automate AD user management with Inactive AD Account Handler. It identifies, disables, and moves inactive accounts based on customizable inactivity thresholds, enhancing security and efficiency. Supports exclusion lists and email reporting.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


This PowerShell script, Inactive-AD-Account-Handler.ps1, automates the management of Active Directory (AD) user accounts. It identifies accounts that have been inactive for a specified period, disables those accounts, moves them to a designated Organizational Unit (OU), and generates a report detailing the actions taken. This script aids administrators in maintaining security and organizational efficiency by automating the lifecycle management of user accounts.


  • Customizable Inactivity Threshold: Set a custom threshold for inactivity to identify inactive accounts.
  • Exclusion List: Specify OUs from which users should not be disabled, protecting critical accounts.
  • Email Reporting: Automatically generate and send reports detailing disabled accounts and encountered errors.
  • Logging: Maintain detailed logs of actions taken and errors encountered for audit purposes.


Before running this script, ensure you have:

  • PowerShell 5.1 or later.
  • Active Directory PowerShell module.
  • Required permissions for AD operations and email sending.


  1. Download the Script: Clone this repository or directly download the Inactive-AD-Account-Handler.ps1 file.
  2. Install Active Directory PowerShell Module:
    Install-Module -Name ActiveDirectory
  3. Set Execution Policy: Enable script execution with:
    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned


The script's behavior can be customized by adjusting parameters within the $Config hashtable in the script. Below is a description of each configuration option:

  • OUsToInclude: Specifies the Organizational Units (OUs) from which users will be evaluated. Example: @("OU=Users,DC=example,DC=com").
  • OUsToExclude: OUs that should be excluded from the script's operations, preventing users within these OUs from being processed. Example: @("OU=VIP,DC=example,DC=com").
  • TargetOU: The Organizational Unit to which disabled accounts will be moved. Specify the LDAP path. Example: "OU=DisabledAccounts,DC=example,DC=com".
  • InactiveDaysThreshold: Number of days of inactivity after which a user account is considered inactive and subject to processing. Example: 15.
  • DisableNeverLoggedOn: If set to $true, accounts that have never logged on will be disabled. Set to $false to skip this action.
  • WhatIfMode: Enables a simulation mode where no changes are made to Active Directory. Useful for planning and testing. Set to $false to apply changes.
  • DomainControllersToExclude: Specifies domain controllers to exclude from the script's operations, useful in large environments or when certain DCs are unreachable. Example: @("DC01.example.com", "DC02.example.com").
  • SMTPServer: The address of the SMTP server used for sending email notifications. Example: "smtp.example.com".
  • SMTPPort: The port used by the SMTP server. Common ports are 587 for TLS/StartTLS and 465 for SSL.
  • UseSSL: Specifies whether SSL/TLS is used for the SMTP connection. Set to $true for SSL/TLS.
  • SMTPUsername and SMTPPassword: Credentials for SMTP server authentication. Consider securely handling the password.
  • FromEmail and ToEmail: Email addresses for the sender and recipient(s) of the report, respectively.
  • EmailSubject: Subject line for the email report sent by the script.
  • ReportRetentionCount: The number of recent reports to retain. Older reports beyond this count will be deleted.
  • GeneralLogPath and ErrorLogPath: Specifies paths for general and error logs, respectively, aiding in troubleshooting and audit.

Ensure to review and adjust these settings according to your environment's requirements and security policies.


Issue: Script does not execute due to execution policy restrictions. Solution: Ensure you've set the execution policy to allow script execution with Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned.

Issue: Email reports are not being sent. Solution: Verify SMTP server details, and ensure the executing account has permission to send emails through the specified server.


Your contributions are welcome! To contribute:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a feature branch: git checkout -b feature/YourFeature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/YourFeature
  5. Submit a pull request.


This script is open-source under the MIT License, permitting free use, modification, and distribution with appropriate credit.


This script is provided "as is", with no warranties. Always test in a development environment before deploying to production.


For support, feature requests, or to report bugs, please open an issue in the GitHub repository.