
Cache of Linux scripts

Primary LanguageShell


Cache of useful Linux scripts written primarily for use with the Raspberry Pi - they make boring repetitive tasks easy :)


  • Open terminal on your computer
  • Download the installer script by entering the following command into your terminal

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Marzogh/LinuxScriptCache/master/bash_scripts/initSetup

  • Make the script executable with the following command (enter the administrator password when asked)

sudo chmod +x initSetup

  • execute the script with the following command


If you want to save yourself the trouble of going through all the steps above, just follow the one step below (and enter the sudo password when the system asks you for it. This method is not recommended unless you really know what you are signing up for

Copy and paste the following line and hit 'Enter/Return'

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Marzogh/LinuxScriptCache/master/bash_scripts/initSetup | sudo bash

About scripts