
The colorful shell util

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub release (latest SemVer) GitHub GitHub top language

Ranebo - The colorful shell util

Ranebo utilizes ANSI terminal escapes to color its arguments rainbow.


ranebo [(option|string)...] [--] [string...]

Will output all the strings in order line after line, with ANSI terminal color escapes in between the characters in a way that will make the output rainbow-colored. If the colors are messed up, it's probably your terminal color settings, as it might for example display green differently if the default text is set to be green. You can use the --truecolor option to overcome that, but bear in mind that on some old terminals the true colors might not be displayed properly either.

Run ranebo --help to see the full help.


Download a binary from the latest GitHub release, or build from source; and then place it on your PATH and you're set up.

Building Ranebo

Just run make without any arguments and it should generate an executable named ranebo, given you have GCC installed.

The Makefile is very simple - I think one can easily figure out how to adjust the compilation process.