
Cy-Comme is a react based e-commerce website for a fashion house

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to Cy-Comme

This is an e-commerce website for a fashion company 05/10/2022

<<<<<<< HEAD By Roy Masai

By Roy KIplagat


Table of Contents


Installation Requirements

Installation Process

Technology Used



Author Contact Info


This website was developed using React.js. It fetches photos from a data.js file (adopted from the UnSplash API) and renders them in the DOM.

Installation Requirements

To install and run this project, you need:

-a laptop with a pre-installed operating system.

-Internet connection

-node installed on computer

Installation Process

  1. Clone the project onto your computer using the git clone command. Remember to use my repository address as the source.

  2. Navigate to the project folder and run these commands:

    npm install

    json-server --watch db.json

    npm start

  3. The website may fail to display contents earlier on depending on internet space and ability to access online resources such as the font-awesome library and the API. If that happens, please give it a few minutes.

Technology Used

-HTML: Used to construct the page's structure and add content.

-React.js: Used to create and style the modular components.

-Markdown: Used to write this readme file.

Author Contact Info
