Convert all csv files in a folder to a diccionary of dataframe and more!.
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WikiFrame scan all the .csv files in a folder and convert into a diccionary of dataframe, This package accept different csv delimiter and encodings. Also if you want to add transform dataframe-functions, you can add it!.
- Install from PyPI
pip install wikiframe
This function will extract all the csv files in the folder and convert them to a dictionary of dataframe.
func : A list of functions that will be applied to the dataframe. (e.g. [func1, func2, func3])
verbose : If True, will print the name of the dataframe that is transformed. (default False)
data_dict : A dictionary of dataframe.
The order of the dataframe in the dictionary is the same as the order of the csv files in the folder.
func could be a list of functions or a single function.
from wiki_tools import Extractor # Import the Extractor function
extractor = Extractor(path='path/to/folder') # path to folder with csv files
data_dictonary = extractor.extract_from_csv() # extract all csv files on a folder and convert into a dictionary of dataframe
A cow helper function to say something Parameters: ----------- something: A string to say in console
from wiki_tools import Say # Import the Say function
say = Say('Hello World') # Say something
say.cow_says_good() # Say something in cow speak
say.cow_says_error() # Say something in cow speak
< Hello World >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ good🙈 )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
< Hello World >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ good🙈 )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
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