Album-Art-Tool -> see NR1-UI-Remote for more details

This tool must be running as service in Background.

What is it good for?

This tool takes the actuall Albumart from Volumio, resizes it to 90x90 and places it in /home/volumio/ as album.bmp

The NR1-UI-Remote requieres this file to be aviable via ftp.

Please set up FTP first:

Make sure that the FTP Server matches this configuration:

  • No IPv6
  • Username: volumio
  • Password: volumio
  • Default Directory is set to "home/volumio"
# Default directory is ftpusers home
DefaultRoot ~ volumio

Make these folder: /home/volumio/proftpd

sudo mkdir /home/volumio/proftpd

make this two files: /home/volumio/proftpd/controls.log and proftpd.log

cd proftpd

sudo nano controls.log
-> add one "whitespace" and save the file

sudo nano proftpd.log
-> add one "whitespace" and save the file

Edit the proftpd.conf file:

sudo nano /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf

line 89 & 90:

#TransferLog /home/volumio/proftpd/xferlog
#SystemLog   /home/volumio/proftpd/proftpd.log

line 120:

#ControlsLog           /var/log/proftpd/controls.log

save the file. Restart FTP service:

sudo service proftpd restart

Check if FTP is working with FileZilla/WinSCP.

Continue when FTP is working fine:

git clone

sudo cp /home/volumio/Album-Art-Tool/AlbumImage.service /lib/systemd/system/

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

sudo systemctl enable AlbumImage.service

You can now either reboot or start the service manually:

sudo systemctl start AlbumImage.service

Or stop the service:

sudo systemctl stop AlbumImage.service

Maybe you need to install some modules, please check the journal to see what is needed:

sudo journalctl -fu AlbumImage.service