
Personalized Manjaro i3wm configuration

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Personalized Manjaro i3wm configuration

In this repository you will find my personalized configuration for Manjaro Linux i3 Community Edition with necessary description of all changes.


The whole system theming was inspired by Gruvbox theme. For overall experiance, GTK Gruvbox theme with it's icons should be installed.

How to move over repository?

All configuration files can be found in manjaro directory. They are placed in directories that matches real system paths. For example if you see file in /manjaro/etc/ directory, it should be placed in /etc/ directory of your's system. Most of files are stored in three variants:

  1. File with org in name - copy of original file provided by Manjaro.
  2. File with mod in name - file that was edited by me.
  3. Original file name - it means that file was created or deleted by me.


I am really big fun of Neovim so it's configuration was extracted to independent repository that can be found here.

Short list of files used in configuration

  1. /home/[user_name]/.i3/config - i3wm configuration (themed, with 20 workspaces, centered floating windows, terminal in scratchpad)
  2. /etc/default/grub - changed default laptop sleep mode (usage of deep sleep for suspend)
  3. /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf - user name and password required to login into system (only password in original version), modified to use lightdm-webkit2-greeter
  4. /etc/lightdm/lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf - use litarvan as login screen theme (this file was created)
  5. /etc/systemd/system/blurlock.service - automatic blur lock when suspending laptop (this file was created)
  6. /etc/systemd/logind.conf - changed default laptop lid close behavior
  7. /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/30-touchpad.conf - enabling natural scroll for laptop touchpad in Manjaro (by default it is reversed)
  8. /etc/i3status.conf - rising i3bar with theming and custom Font Awesome icons
  9. /home/[user_name]/.config/compton.conf - file deleted to use picom instead
  10. /home/[user_name]/.config/picom.conf - unfocused container is a little bit transparent, transition animations, Intel GPU fix for execution
  11. /home/[user_name]/.local/share/fonts/... - fonts for proper work of powerlevel10k ZSH theme
  12. /home/[user_name]/.Xresources - theming with bigger font for urxvt terminal and powerlevel10k ZSH theme handling
  13. /home/[user_name]/.bashrc - run neofetch on terminal start-up and micro as default text editor
  14. /home/[user_name]/.zshrc - powerlevel10k ZSH theme with autocomplete and output coloring configuration (micro as default text editor)
  15. /usr/share/conky/conky1.10_shortcuts_maia - theme and font settings and description for more shortcuts
  16. /usr/share/conky/conky_maia - theme and font settings for system desktop monitor
  17. /home/[user_name]/.config/ranger/rifle.conf - ranger configuration with micro as default text editor (this file was created)
  18. /home/[user_name]/.newsboat/config - configuration file for RSS reader named newsboat (Brave as main browser, this file was created)
  19. /home/[user_name]/.newsboat/urls - my RSS feed (this file was created)
  20. /home/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini - GTK 3 configured with Gruvbox theme and San Francisco font (this file was created)
  21. /home/.gtkrc-2.0 - GTK 2 configured with Gruvbox theme and San Francisco font (this file was created)
  22. /usr/share/rofi/themes/slate.rasi - theme for rofi to match Gruvbox system theming (this file was created)
  23. /home/.config/dunst/dunstrc - theming for dunst notifications to match Gruvbox system theme
  24. /home/.config/micro/settings.json - changed theme for micro terminal text editor (this file was created)
  25. /home/.tmux.conf - TMUX configuration (this file was created)
  26. /home/.taskrc - Taskworrior configuration (this file was created)

Automatization with bash scripts

In directory /home/.sh/ bash scripts to automate work on Linux can be found. Every single .sh script placed in this location can be run with usage of rofi. i3wm configuration file has keybinding to run scripts launcher from location /home/.sh/launcher/launcher.sh under mod+Shift+d. List of available scripts in this repository:

  1. dunst_notifications.sh - enable/disable dunst notifications
  2. remote_location.sh - automate FTP/SFTP mounting/unmounting in Linux file system
  3. screen_layout.sh - setting one of defined displays configuration