
Frontend component library for displaying special exams on the edx platform

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a react library responsible for extending learning app with special exams functionality, e.g. proctored/timed exams.

Set up instructions

  1. Clone your new repo:
git clone https://github.com/edx/frontend-lib-special-exams.git
  1. Use node v12.x.

    Using other major versions of node may work, but is unsupported. For convenience, this repository includes an .nvmrc file to help in setting the correct node version via nvm.

  2. Install npm dependencies:

cd frontend-lib-special-exams && npm install

Build Process Notes

Production Build

The production build is created with npm run build.


Please see edx/frontend-platform's i18n module for documentation on internationalization. The documentation explains how to use it, and the How To has more detail.