
Primary LanguageBatchfile

!!! Everything below is in TODO state. !!!

Quake Configs

This are my settings for Quake engines and notes. Added missing keybindings (WASD movement, ...) and extra ones (easier weapon switching, ...). Changed visual settings. Sometimes there is an option to set/switch with F10 key between them. Note that by default this key quits the game. Styles: Default (for given engine), Enhanced-like, Semi-DOSQuake (between Enhanced and DOSQuake) and DOSQuake-like. Left fog unchanged (Enhanced: 0.025 0.576471 0.266667 0.431373, DOSQuake: 0 0.3 0.3 0.3).

Why this way

It is possible to put all engines into one directory (don't worry about *.dll-s) and share one autoexec.cfg. Some settings can be set then using different aliases or exec filename.cfg commands. One compatibility issue is host_maxfps 0. In QSS works fine, but not in QS. Downsides: many config parts are doubled along with *.pak files that take space. On Linux one might use symlinks. On Windows symlinks are not properly handled by engines, but hardlinks are fine.


  • Buy and install Quake

This document assumes having bought and installed Quake (not Quake Enhanced) from GOG to C:\GOG Games\Quake. Not that by default it might be installed to %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\GOG GalaxyGames\Quake. Game is also available on Steam and Epic Games Store.

  • Download engine(s)

If you don't know which one, start with Ironwail.

  • Download addons


  • After

For better aiming precision, turn off Mouse Accelearion in your system. Add commands to autoexec.cfg or issue from in-game console:

name "Your Name"
hostname "Your Name"

Other configs


Vanilla experience

  1. Vanilla experience:
  1. ChadQuake (run-chadquake.cmd).
  2. Quakespasm
  3. Quakespasm-Spiked
  4. Ironwail
  5. JoeQuake

Best visuals (subjectively)


  1. FTE
  2. Zircon + [Quake 1.5] + Combat+
  3. Darkplaces + RTLights from Slipseer
  4. Epsilon Build
  5. Quakespasm-Spiked + Play_Q or TribalFX


  1. JoeQuake


  • [] -
  • [] -
  • [Youtube: ]
  • [Discord: ]

TODO: Configs, setups, guides Speedruns Explained, Quake Speed Demos


Places to start:

TODO: Rust, QuakeC




TODO: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2320/discussions/ nexusmods


Mail: sl8code (at) gmail.com Discord: TODO:


  • download all binaries. automate it?

  • update "run-" commands

  • update configs

  • update gitignore

  • finish setup scripts

  • update notes

  • push to github

  • symlinks


  • doom
  • quake 2
  • duke, blood, ...

https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Quake https://quakeone.com/forum/quake-mod-releases/finished-works/283201-vanilla-quake-fixes http://quakeone.com/forum/quake-mod-releases/finished-works/6241-small-mod-compilation

Mapping essentials



You'll have to use it from time to time, usually it can be opened/closed using tilde key ~ on keyboard. It's a place to write commands.


It's not possible to determine which look is original one (WinQuake, GLQuake or DOS version). I like to believe it's DOS Quake. Each engine has different defaults (fog settings, brightness levels, particle type and scaling, ...), HUD-s and quirks.


Enhanced (also called KexQuake or Rerelease or Remastered):

  • Enhanced (cd "C:\GOG Games\Quake Enhanced" & Quake_Shipping_Playfab_GOG_x64.exe +ui_addonsBaseURL "https://kexquake.s3.amazonaws.com/" +g_showintromovie 0) - here's an example about running with additional parameter to get more addons in downloads menu. More info about it can be found here. Another param disables an intro. Alternatively you can create a file: C:\GOG Games\Quake Enhanced\id1\autoexec.cfg and place there: g_showintromovie "0". Some people don't carefully read messages when starting the game for the first time and later they have white text instead of proper fonts. To fix this go to menu, then Options, Accessibility, Alternative Typeface - Off. When you play Quake 64 mod, you might want to disable CRT effect with r_crtmode "0" command.

Mark-V forks:

FitzQuake forks:

  • QuakeSpasm - awesome for playing single player maps, should be compatible with almost everything out there. Anyway I'd recommend one of its forks.

QuakeSpasm forks:

  • QuakeSpasm-Spiked - has some improvements over QuakeSpasm, like high framerate is decopled from physics
  • Ironwail - it's my engine of choice now. Here's a video that got me convinced, maybe it's convince you too - Ironwail is amazing - it came out along with version 0.7.0 that did get a lot of features.
  • vkQuake - requires updated video card drivers on Windows (default ones are too old). You can check if your video card is supported here.
  • QSS-M - for multiplayer.


  • JoeQuake - used by speedrunners. show_speed 1 in console to show speed meter. I recommend downloading maps 100m, 110m, 400m to practice bunny hopping. There are awesome tutorials on YouTube about bunny hopping (a technique to make you move faster by jumping) and how to do it.
  • DarkPlaces - has a lot of visual features, used to play Epsilon mod, Quake 1.5 and Slayer's Testament.
  • TyrQuake - when you play Quake with RetroArch it uses TyrQuake under the hood.
  • FTE - very advanced engine.
  • RetroQuad - focuses on 8-bit color software rendering.


  • NetQuake.io (https://www.netquake.io/) - play in a browser.
  • QuakeDroid - Quake for Android
  • Quad Touch - best way to play Quake on Android. I've tried with Bluetooth controller 8BitDo SN30 Pro+ and it works.

Windows 98 compatible, tested on 233MHz: (TODO: not yet)

  • WinQuake
  • GLQuake
  • Engoo
  • QDOS
  • FitzQuake
  • Makaqu
  • ToChris

IF you want to know more about engines I recommend an article: Quake Engines & Source Ports: A Beginners Guide.

Engine: Ironwail: Setup

There's a nice Quakespasm spiked with mods and maps Fanpack, here's how to do things manually to get similar effect.

Description will be based on GOG version and assume default install directory on Windows. In case you need any support related to Linux I'll be happy to help.

  • Download and install Quake and Quake Enhanced.
  • Download and extract Ironwail.
  • Ironwail can find game files on its own, but let's configure it. Press Win+R or just press Win, type cmd and press Enter.
:: Please note paths used here, you might want to use different ones
set "IRONWAIL=C:\Games\ironwail-0.7.0-win64"
set "QUAKE=C:\GOG Games\Quake"
set "ENHANCED=C:\GOG Games\Quake Enhanced"

:: Copy Original Quake files and music
xcopy "%QUAKE%"\id1\PAK*.PAK "%IRONWAIL%"\id1\
xcopy "%QUAKE%"\hipnotic\pak0.pak "%IRONWAIL%"\hipnotic\
xcopy "%QUAKE%"\rogue\pak0.pak "%IRONWAIL%"\rogue\
xcopy "%ENHANCED%"\id1\music "%IRONWAIL%"\id1\music\
xcopy "%ENHANCED%"\hipnotic\music "%IRONWAIL%"\hipnotic\music\
xcopy "%ENHANCED%"\rogue\music "%IRONWAIL%"\rogue\music\
:: Run Original Quake, go to Mods menu and download everything, see if music works
cd "%IRONWAIL%" & ironwail.exe -addons "https://kexquake.s3.amazonaws.com/"

:: Copy Enhanced version files
xcopy "%ENHANCED%"\ctf "%IRONWAIL%"\enhanced\ctf\
xcopy "%ENHANCED%"\dopa "%IRONWAIL%"\enhanced\dopa\
xcopy "%ENHANCED%"\hipnotic "%IRONWAIL%"\enhanced\hipnotic\
xcopy "%ENHANCED%"\id1 "%IRONWAIL%"\enhanced\id1\
xcopy "%ENHANCED%"\mg1 "%IRONWAIL%"\enhanced\mg1\
xcopy "%ENHANCED%"\rogue "%IRONWAIL%"\enhanced\rogue\
copy "%ENHANCED%"\QuakeEX.kpf "%IRONWAIL%"\enhanced\"
:: Run Enhanced Quake, go to Mods menu and download everything
cd "%IRONWAIL%" & ironwail.exe -basedir enhanced -addons "https://kexquake.s3.amazonaws.com/"

Note about folders:

  • hipnotic - relates to Official Mission Pack 1: "Scourge of Armagon".
  • rogue - relates to Official Mission Pack 2: "Dissolution of Eternity".
  • dopa - considered to be Episode 5: "Dimensions of the Past".
  • mg1 - new episode named "Dimension of the Machine".

Engine: Ironwail: Config

Create %IRONWAIL%\id1\autoexec.cfg and/or %IRONWAIL%\enhanced\id1\autoexec.cfg with your settings. Comments are starting with // and are skipped by game, to uncomment is to remove // before a command. Here is my config as an example (to see default value write a command without a value):

// General
name "Player"
hostname "ServerName"
sndspeed "44100" // Makes sound better
cl_upspeed "350" // Faster swimming up

// Some settings are available only on Ironwail.
gl_texturemode "GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR" // Retro look
gl_texture_anisotropy "1" // More retro look
r_oit "1" // "order-independent transparency", needed by a few maps, turning off should improve performance

// Keys
unbind "F10" // Default: "quit"
bind "\" "toggle scr_showfps" // Toggles showing FPS
bind "MWHEELUP" "impulse 10" // By default it cycles weapons counterintuitively
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "impulse 12"

// Cheats
sv_cheats "1"
bind "MOUSE2" "noclip"
bind "g" "god"
bind "q" "impulse 255" // Quad damage
bind "f" "toggle r_fullbright" // Useful to see in dark places. Can be considered cheating

// Other settings
exec md_enhanced.cfg
//exec md_retro.cfg
//exec md_retro_plus.cfg

Additional config files:

  • md_enhanced.cfg:
hudstyle "2"
r_scale "0"
r_softemu "0"
r_viewmodel_quake "1"
scr_sbaralpha "0.75"
scr_sbarscale "2"
scr_conalpha "0.5"
scr_conspeed "9000"
scr_pixelaspect "1"
viewsize "100"
cl_bob "0"
cl_rollspeed "0"
cl_rollangle "0"
v_gunkick "0"
fov "95"
gamma "1.0"
contrast "1.2"
crosshair "2"
r_lerpmodels "1"
r_lerpmove "1"
fog "0.025" "0.576471" "0.266667" "0.431373"
ui_mouse "1"
sv_aim "1"

bind "F10" "exec md_retro.cfg"
  • md_retro.cfg:
hudstyle "0" // Classic HUD. Default: "2"
r_scale "2" // More pixelated. Default: "1"
r_softemu "3" // More retro look. Try values "1"-"3"
r_viewmodel_quake "1" // Change weapon placement. Use with 'hudstyle "0"'
scr_sbaralpha "1" // Non-transparent HUD
scr_sbarscale "3" // HUD scale. Change to your preferences based on resolution
scr_conalpha "1" // Non-transparent console
scr_conspeed "9000"
scr_pixelaspect "1" // Pixel scaling in menu
viewsize "100" // Display additionally more ammo status
cl_bob "0.02"
cl_rollspeed "200"
cl_rollangle "2.0"
v_gunkick "2"
fov "90"
gamma "1.0" // Makes game darker. Use it while making maps to make sure it is not too dark
contrast "1.2" // With 1.2 gives some more colour
crosshair "1"
r_lerpmodels "1"
r_lerpmove "1"
fog "0" "0.3" "0.3" "0.3"
ui_mouse "1"
sv_aim "1" // Turn off auto-aim

bind "F10" "exec md_retro_plus.cfg"
  • md_retro_plus.cfg:
exec md_retro.cfg

r_scale "4"
scr_conspeed "300"
scr_pixelaspect "5:6" // Square pixels in menu
gamma "1.4" // Makes game darker. Use it while making maps to make sure it is not too dark
contrast "1.2" // With 1.2 gives some more colour
crosshair "0"
r_lerpmodels "0"
r_lerpmove "0"
ui_mouse "0"
sv_aim "0.93"

bind "F10" "exec md_enhanced.cfg"

Note that's above there's enhanced config loaded by default, F10 toggles also between retro and retro plus.

Refinement: Lightmaps

Download Colored Lightmaps and extract to %IRONWAIL%. Go to hipnotic, rogue subfolders and rename LIGHTS.PAK to pak1.pak. In id1 rename to pak2.pak. You can try to spot a difference how the game looks with and without colored lightmaps. Note that this is not supported with Enhanced Quake and they are not needed there. Add more lits for mods from here.

Refinement: Sounds

Use Sound Bulb for 44kHz remastered sounds. I've downloaded a version from here - Slipseer. Extract contents to %IRONWAIL%\enhanced. Now copy manualy to Original Quake like so:

set "IRONWAIL=C:\Games\ironwail-0.7.0-win64"
:: Please note that in case pak2.pak doesn't exist and you add pak3.pak it won't load in game.
copy "%IRONWAIL%"\enhanced\id1\pak1.pak "%IRONWAIL%"\id1\pak3.pak
copy "%IRONWAIL%"\enhanced\hipnotic\pak1.pak "%IRONWAIL%"\hipnotic\pak2.pak
copy "%IRONWAIL%"\enhanced\rogue\pak1.pak "%IRONWAIL%"\rogue\pak2.pak

It's nice improvement, however I'm used to original sounds and axe hitting a wall hurts my ears (sound/player/axhit2.wav) I'm using different sounds set - Mindgrid. Extract mindgrid-audio_high-resolution_quake1_sounds.pk3 to a temporary location. Download PakScape, run it and open *.pk3 file. Then save as Quake Pak type to %IRONWAIL%/id1/pak4.pak and %IRONWAIL%/enhanced/id1/pak2.pak. With other engines it would be enough to move sound folder to id1 - it would overwrite the sounds from pak*.pak files, but seems like with Ironwail it works the other way round.

Refinement: Models

Download Authentic Models. Extract to %IRONWAIL% and %IRONWAIL%\enhanced. Change in all extracted subfolders z to a next number in file pakz.pak. So id id1 contains pak3.pak and pakz.pak, then rename pakz.pak to pak4.pak. Additional I recommend Upgraded armor. Use same trick as mentioned for Mindgrid sounds. Extract the archive, open PakScape, File -> New. Move there gfx and progs folders. Save as Quake Pak type to %IRONWAIL%/id1/pak5.pak and %IRONWAIL%/enhanced/id1/pak3.pak.

Refinement: Last touches

In %IRONWAIL% folder create files:

@echo off
cd "%~dp0"
start "" "ironwail.exe" -basedir enhanced


  • Alternative guides:
  • Tools:


Feel free to comment about:

  • typos, my English. Point out my mistakes and I'll correct them,
  • Quake config,
  • anything I can change in this guide (maybe it's overcomplicated).


  • mention about mouse acceleration

progs vanilla/progs1.5 greenwood progs_dump + re:mobilize copper/reignited +scarlet # has copper, overflow bug in coop alkaline q1.5/epsilon tribal/playq dwell

not important ravenkeep mjolnir ad vr - hook

02 - pak0.pak: Greenwood's mild model pack 03 - pak0.pak: Amelie Sounds mix from Discord 04 - pak0.pak: Upgaded Armor

other: instead of 02 - pak0.pak: Authentic Models mindgrid reignited

Quake 1.5 + music + ...

Quake 1 config + notes

  • there's only autoexec.cfg without using exec filename.cfg because there is no need to keep everything separate and performance is better
  • things here are constantly changing, feel free to fork it and customize your way
  • contact: sl8code (at) gmail.com
  • for newcomers and not only I recommend Quakestarter. Includes 2 engines, sane example autoexec.cfg and Windows script for setting things up and downloading/starting mods from curated list. Similar project: QSS with mods and maps
  • for speedrunning check out Quake package (light for starters) from SDA


  • keybindings:
    • mouse scroll: make changing weapon more natural (scroll down for previous weapon)
    • right mouse button: cheat: toggle no clipping
    • right mouse button: JoeQuake: move forward (for power bunny hopping)
    • 4th mouse button: JoeQuake: 10 FPS trick for 1 frame
    • 5th mouse button: JoeQuake: 10 FPS trick for button hold duration (read on Quake Speedrunning Discord that 15 is better for exiting wind tunnels)
    • 5th mouse button: Ironwail: zoom
    • f: cheat: toggle showing fullbrights. Useful in some maps. Might be considered cheating as it makes finding some secrets easier
    • g: cheat: immortality
    • b: cheat: show bounding boxes, with Ironwail you can pair it with r_showbboxes_filer to display only what you need (like keys, items, monsters, etc.)
    • x/q/r/v: switching weapons (closer to w/s/a/d for quicker switching, might be useful in multiplayer)
    • \: display FPS
    • F10: change visual and other settings, by default it was quit. Use look{0,1,2,3}_{iw,qs,qss,qssm,vk} before once, more about it below
    • F11: unbinded - does nothing, because sometimes instead of F10 it's easy to accidentally press F11
  • aliases:
    • ammo: add max (by default) ammo
    • quad: gives quad damage, might not work with all mods
    • capon/capoff: might be useful for recording fly-throughs. Stolen from somewhere, probably from one of the dumptruck_ds videos
    • Ironwail: look0_iw: default engine settings.
    • Ironwail: look1_iw: default Remastered/Enhanced/Kex-like engine settings
    • Ironwail: look2_iw: mixed settings between look1 and look3
    • Ironwail: look3_iw: default DOSQuake settings
    • Ironwail: sshot_iw: prepare to get a screenshot for Sightseeing Thread
    • QuakeSpasm: look{0,1,2,3}_qs: see look{0,1,2,3}_iw
    • QuakeSpasm-Spiked: look{0,1,2,3}_qss: see look{0,1,2,3}_iw
    • QuakeSpasm-Spiked Multiplayer: look{0,1,2,3}_qssm: see look{0,1,2,3}_iw
    • vkQuake: look{0,1,2,3}_vk: see look{0,1,2,3}_iw

In Ironwail I prefer look1_iw. F10 switches to look2_iw, then look3_iw which then to look0_iw and so on. Note that for example when you load start map of Explore Jam 3 and change visuals it will affect maps fog settings. You might want to issue restart or load a save. I recommend getting Quake Injector, sort by user score and play with Ironwail engine with look1_iw settings. When using JoeQuake don't forget to run with +set s_khz 44 argument for better sound quality.


  • Re:Mobilize - comment out MOUSE2 binding in id1/autoexec.cfg using // in front of the line. Alternative: bind "MOUSE2" "+hook" after loading a mod.


I use PakScape to create pak archives in case files were loose, because Ironwail handles pak files better. Remember that having pak2.pak and then pak4.pak without pak3.pak then pak4.pak will not be loaded.

  • Classic: id1
    • VisPatch: makes transparent water work
    • optionally: pak2.pak: Fullbright patches: when using different models it might be best to move progs folder from here or keep it high in paks order (low number)
    • pak3.pak: Lits and vis files
    • pak4.pak: Sound Bulb
    • pak5.pak: sound/player/axhit2.wav from Mindgrid Sounds or optionally all sounds from there except for demon folder
    • optionally: pak6.pak: Quake 100% Nightmare demos: use Dzip from SpeedDemosArchive site to extract compressed (.dz) demo. In case you've downloaded all_5716.dz Dzip should extract .pak file from it that contains all demos. Add to autoexec.cfg: playdemo start and cl_startdemos 1. Note that demo for e2m6 is incompatible with Enhanced version
    • optionally: pak7.pak: Greenwood's mild model pack
    • optionally: progs.dat: CleanFixedQuakeC
    • music: make sure you have this folder with track02-track11.{mp3,ogg} in there (not all Quake releases have music by default)
  • Enhanced: id1
    • it already has remastered sounds - similar to Sound Bulb and Seans Better Quality Sounds
    • already has lits, but different than in classic
    • has transparent water in id1 levels and it seems not that easy to change and turn off alpha
    • pak1.pak: sound/player/axhit2.wav from Mindgrid Sounds or optionally all sounds from there except for demon folder
    • optionally: pak2.pak: Greenwood's mild model pack
    • optionally: pak3.pak: Authentic Models if not using pak2.pak
    • optionally: pak4.pak: Upgraded Armor
    • optionally: progs.dat: Reignited or Copper
    • ../QuakeEX.kpf: don't forget about this one as it holds translations
  • hipnotic (Mission Pack 1: Scourge of Armagon) / rogue (Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity)
  • Map essentials:
    • 100m: nice for learning bunny hopping, usually played with JoeQuake. You can find there also 110m and 400m
    • qdeck16: nice map for multiplayer, based on popular map from Unreal Tournament
  • Mod essentials:
    • Alkaline
    • Alkaline Jam
    • Arcane Dimensions
    • Coppertone Summer Jam
    • Coppertone Summer Jam 2
    • Deathmatch Dimension
    • Dimensions of the Past
    • Dwell
    • Re:Mobilize
    • Tainted
    • TODO:

In case of using QSS engine Play_Q mod plays nice with it.

Communities and links

TODO: Some of them are in forum threads, best to link to them

//- YouTube: Quake Speedruns Explained //- YouTube: Quake done Quick //- YouTube: Matt's Ramblings