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Ride-my-way App is a carpooling application that provides drivers with the ability to create ride offers and passengers to join available ride offers.

Home page

Home page

How it works

  • A driver creates an account and logs in
  • The driver creates ride offers
  • A passenger creates an account and logs in
  • A passenger is able to view all available ride offers and can request to join
  • The driver accepts or rejects the request from the passenger
  • The passenger is notified about the response

How it works

How it works


git clone
  • cd Ride-My-Way/ui
  • Open index.html in your favorite browser



  • Python 3.6
  • Flask
  • Flaskrestfull
  • Virtualenv

Enviroment variables

  • Secret key

  • Postgres database url



git clone -b ch-challenge-two-develop-158460445

Running the app

export FLASK_APP =
export MODE = development

flask run

Endpoints to test

Method Endpoint Description
POST /api/v1/auth/signup sign up a user
POST /api/v1/auth/login login a user
POST /api/v1/rides post a ride offer
GET /api/v1/rides get all ride offers
GET /api/v1/rides/{rideId} get a specific ride offer depending on it's id
POST /api/v1/rides/{rideId}/requests request to join a specific ride offer
DELETE /api/v1/rides/{rideId} delete a specific ride offer
PUT /rides/{rideId}/requests/{requestId}/accept accept a ride request
PUT /rides/{rideId}/requests/{requestId}/reject reject a ride request
DELETE /rides/{int:rideId}/requests/{requestId} delete a ride request
GET /rides/{int:rideId}/requests get the requests from a specific ride

Languages and tools used

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Python/Flask
  • Git and Github
  • Pivotal tracker


James Macharia


Andela Bootcamp 29