
Tool used to analyze features of coarse-grained refactorings

Coarse-grained Refactoring

Refactorings can be detected only in coarse-grained commits rather in fine-grained ones. Coarse-grained commits can be generated by squashing multiple consecutive fine-grained commits.

Refactoring Detection

Refactoring detection tool used is RefactoringMiner2.2

Both refactorings in coarse and fine-gained commits will be detected and compared.

Coarse-grained Commits Generation

Repository rewrite tool git-stein is used to squash commits to generate coarse-grained commits

What can it do

Calculate Frequency

  • Coarse-grained refactoirngs occurence frequency

Analyse Type

  • Which types of refactorings tend to be coarse-grained refactorings

Analyse Reason

  • Reasons for the occurence of coarse-grained refactorings can be observed by using results from this tool with code change in fine-grained commits


Procedure is showed below alt text