Getting Started

This is the repository for Micro-change Miner.


  • git-stein: Convert Git repository to method-level
$ git clone
$ cd git-stein
$ ./gradlew executableJar
  • RefactoringMiner: The state of the art refactoring mining tool
    • We extend the RefactoringMiner3.0.4 by considering the refactoring affected elements' locations
  • gradle
$ brew install gradle


$ git clone
$ cd MicroChangeMiner
$ ./gradlew shadowJar

How to mine micro-changes from a repository

1. Convert the target git repository to method-level repository

$ java -jar <git-stein_path/build/libs/git-stein.jar> <target_repo_path> -o <output_repo_path> @historage-jdt --no-original --no-classes --no-fields --parsable --mapping 

2. Get commit-map

Obtain a map from a method-level repository whose key is the original repository sha1, value is the corresponding method-level repository sha1, i.e. <original_sha1:method-level_sha1>

$ java -jar build/libs/miner-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar commitMap <repo_path/.git> -o <output_jsonfile.json>

3. Mine refactorings

$ java -jar  <RefactoringMiner_path/build/libs/miner-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar> refmine <original_repo_path> <output_path> >./runLog/<repo_name>_rm.log

4. Mine micro-changes

$ java -jar  build/libs/miner-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar mine <method_level_repo_path> <output_json_path.json> --csv <output_csv_path.csv> --map <commit_map_path> --refactoring <mined_refactoring_directory> --original <original_repo_path/.git> --notCoveredPath <output_path_for_uncovered> >runLog/<repo_name>.log 

e.g. for repository mbassador

$ java -jar  build/libs/miner-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar mine ./method_level/mbassador/.git ./mined/mbassador.json --csv ./mined/mbassador.csv --map ./commitMap/mbassador.json --refactoring ./minedRefactoring/mbassador --original ./OSS/mbassador/.git --notCoveredPath ./notCovered/mbassador.json >runLog/mbassador.log

How to define your own micro-change types

1. Implement the micro-change in package org.mashirocl.microchange

public class YourMicroChange implements MicroChangePattern{
    public boolean matchConditionGumTree(Action action, Map<Tree, Tree> mappings) {
      // Implement the match strategy here 
      // if you need the actions for all, implement the same name method below
        return false;

    public boolean matchConditionGumTree(Action action, Map<Tree, Tree> mappings, Map<Tree, List<Action>> nodeActions) {
      // Implement the match strategy here
        return false;

    public SrcDstRange getSrcDstRange(Action action, Map<Tree, Tree> mappings, Map<Tree, List<Action>> nodeActions, EditScriptStorer editScriptStorer) {
        // get the line range of this micro-change
        SrcDstRange srcDstRange = new SrcDstRange();
        // left side range

        // right side range

        return srcDstRange;

2. Declare your own micro-change if you want it to be mined in org.mashirocl.command.MineCommand#loadMicroChanges()

    public static void loadMicroChanges(PatternMatcher patternMatcherGumTree) {
        patternMatcherGumTree.addMicroChange(new AddConjunctOrDisjunct());
        patternMatcherGumTree.addMicroChange(new YourMicroChange());


Complete Micro-Change Catalog

You can refer to the complete catalog of micro-change in Catalog.


(Formal doi to be added)

The following article includes the details of the micro-changes and the miner. We encourage contributions to the micro-changes or the miner.

Lei Chen, Michele Lanza, Shinpei Hayashi: ''Understanding Code Change with Micro-Changes''. In Proceedings of the 40th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2024). Flagstaff, AZ, USA, oct, 2024.

  title={Understanding Code Change with Micro-Changes},
  author={Chen, Lei and Lanza, Michele and Hayashi, Shinpei},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.09923},