
Simple, custom, scripting language compiler

Primary LanguageJava

Compiler - Alpha

Compiles to simplified assembly used by virtual machine with 6 registers a-f.


  • Java 14
  • JFlex 1.8.2
  • Java Cup 11b


# run from project
mvn -q exec:java -Dexec.args="<infile> <outfile>"

# build .jar
mvn assembly:single
# run from .jar
java -jar Compiler.jar <infile> <outfile>


  • Program structure
    • With declaration
        a, b, t(10:20)
    • Without declaration
  • Comments
    [ OK ]
    [ Also
    OK ]
    [ so [ wrong ]  ]
  • Variables
    • Ordinary - [_a-z]+
    a   [ ok ]
    _a  [ ok ]
    A1  [ Wrong ]
    • Array - t(x:y), where x <= y
    tab(10:20);  [ declaration of array of size=11 indexed from 10 to 20 ]
    tab(15);     [ Ok ]
    tab(21);     [ Index out of bounds]
    tab(a);      [ if 10 <= a <= 20 Ok ]
    • Constants - only integers >= 0
    a := 0;                   [ Ok ]
    a := 1234567890987654321; [ Ok ]
    a := -5;                  [ Wrong ]
    a := 123.456;             [ Wrong ]
  • IO

    READ a;  		[ Read from stdin to variable 'a' ]
    READ 123; 		[ Wrong ]
    WRITE a;		[ Write variable 'a' to stdout ]
    WRITE tab(a);	        [ Write array variable to stdout ]
    WRITE 123;		[ Write constant to stdout ]
  • Expressions

    a := 10;
    a := b;
    a := 100 * 200;
    a := b * 10;
    a := b + c;     [ addition ]
    a := b - c;     [ subtraction ]
    a := b * c;     [ multiplication ]
    a := b / c;     [ division ]
    a := b % c;     [ modulo ]
    a := b * c * d; [ Wrong ]
    a := b * c;     [ Only expressions with single operator are allowed ]
    a := a * d;
    a / 0 = 0;      [ Division and modulo by zero always equals zero ]
    a % 0 = 0;
  • Conditions

    a = b   [ Equals ]
    a != b  [ Not equal ]
    a < b   [ Less ]
    a > b   [ Greater ]
    a <= b  [ Less equal ]
    a >= b  [ Greater equal ]
  • If

    [ If ]
    IF a > b [ condition ] THEN 
    [ If - Else ]
    IF a > b THEN 
  • Loops

    • While
      [ While ]
      WHILE a > b [ condition ] DO
      [ Do - while with negated condition ]
      UNTIL a > b;
    • For
      [ 'i' is local, not declared variable ]
      [ range (a - b or b - a) is calculated at the begining of loop and cannot be changed ]
      [ for variable range use WHILE ]
      [ i++ ]
      FOR i FROM a TO b DO
          i := c;     [ wrong, local variable cannot be overwritten ]
          a := 2 * a; [ range stays the same ] 
      [ i-- ]
      FOR i FROM a DOWNTO b DO