$${\color{violet}{Modeling\ the\ spread\ of\ COVID-19\ using\ SIR\ model\ and\ Genetic\ algorithm}}$$

  • In the last few years, the world has witnessed unprecedented and dramatic loss due to the horrifying pandemic, COVID-19, that invaded many countries around the globe leaving behind a tragedy that has led to numerous death and infection cases
  • That’s why modeling the spread and genetic mutations of the Novel disease, Covid-19, has been of interest to researchers in the past few years.
  • This Repository is a documentation of our study that's mainly focused on using a genetic algorithm as a proposed approach, for fitting the curve of the SIR model, aimed towards obtaining the parameters of the Kermack-McKendric SIR model(Susceptible, Infectious, ,and Recovered)
  • the genetic algorithm is used to select the fittest generation by mocking the selection phenomenon that occurs in nature.

The Repository contains the following:

our Team:

  • Amir Hesham Khalil
  • Mariam Ahmed Said
  • Camellia Marwan Hussein
  • Muhannad Abdullah Abdullah
  • Fady Mohsen Magdy
  • Malak Nasser Mohamed
  • Farah Ossama Ahmed
  • Hazem Raafat Mohamed