
a simple news web application where the user can view the latest news, read news by category, search by a specific query/term, and sort the results by certain criteria.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

$${\color{#8C563D}{Spill\ the\ Tea\ (news\ webpage)}}$$

This is a simple news webpage built with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. It allows users to view the latest news, filter news by category/topic, and search for news by topic/query.

${\color {#ABA48A} {Features}}$

  • View Latest News: Users can view the latest news articles on the homepage.
  • Filter by Category/Topic: Users can select a specific category/topic (e.g., Tech, Health, Finance) to filter the displayed news articles.
  • Search News: Users can search for news articles by entering a specific topic/query in the search bar.

${\color {#ABA48A} {Technologies\ Used}}$

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript


  • Upon opening the webpage, you will see the latest news articles displayed on the homepage, which is also the same articles you will see upon clicking on the general category or refreshing the page by clicking on the logo.
  • To filter news articles by category/topic, select the desired category/topic from the navigation menu.
  • To search for news articles, enter a specific topic/query in the search bar and click on the search button.


  • The news data used in this project is obtained from News API.