Building al-Ṯurayyā 1.0


  1. Flap (Toponimika):
    1. Information on the project
    2. Information on a toponym
    3. Information from primary sources
    4. Regions:
      1. List of regions
      2. Clincking on a region:
        1. Places and routes associated with that region become red
        2. Other places and routes: grey
  2. Map:
    1. Multiple maping layers
    2. Search for a toponym
    3. Visualizations of regions (see Flap)
    4. Toponyms formatted according to their types
      1. Settlements: a) different sizes --- sized by types; 2) names shown depending on the zoom level; 3) colored by regions
        1. Metropoles
        2. Capitals
        3. Cities/Towns
        4. Villages
        5. Waystations
      2. Geographical features:
        1. Bodies of waters: Blue,
        2. Mountains: Brown
      3. Routes:
        1. colored by regions