CrowdFunding is an Egyptian for-profit crowd funding platform that allows people to raise money for events ranging from life events such as celebrations and graduations to challenging circumstances like accidents and illnesses. The project is developed using Python, Django framework and MySQL database.
- Sign in with your Google / Facebook accounts
- Create a fund raising campaign
- Report campaigns
- Rate campaigns
- Add comments to any campaign
- Reply to comments
- Report comments
- View all your campaigns and donations
- Live search for campaigns
- Browse campaigns based on category
To use and run this project you need to:
Before executing the following commands, please install python 3 as stated in the following setup
- Run the following command to install the project locally.
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
git clone
cd crowd-funding-django/
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Execute configuration required in configurations section
python3 migrate
- Run the server
python3 runserver
- Go to the browser and go to the following url: http://localhost:8000
Make sure that your database is up and configured properly for the application to work
You can also use the docker image provided to setup a running environment for the application to avoid any environment conflicts.
Change your working directory to the projects folder and execute the following commands (only one time)
docker-compose build
to build the image and then
docker-compose run app python3 migrate
to setup the database
Write your database credentials in the file inside crowdfunding directory then:
- Create database named crowd_funding
As for the Facebook and Google API's configurations you will need to:
- write the Google and Facebook APIs' keys in file
- Save then close the file
- User account is not deleted after expiration of the activation mail
- Allow payment system
We are a team of software engineering students at ITI intake 41, Smart Village branch, Open-source application track.
- Ahmed Atef
- Aya Hamed
- Hossam Ali
- Hossam Khalil