
Productivity app for CS 456: User Interface Software. Based on the principle of discomfort design, specifically discomfort through structure.

Primary LanguageDart


Productivity app, initially created for CS 456: User Interface Software. Based on the principle of discomfort design, specifically discomfort through structure.

About This App

InerTia is Intelligent Thinking. Designed and built by Evenstar Creative, our mission is to help you achieve your life's goals. Our belief is that this is accomplished by 4 key principles:

  1. Setting and tracking goals.
  2. Setting aside regular time to work on these goals: an autopilot schedule.
  3. Focusing on deep work during this time.
  4. Getting boring, logistical "mosquito tasks" completed as quickly and efficiently as possible, so you have more time to focus on the big stuff.

The principle of inertia states that an object in rest stays in rest, and an object in motion stays in motion, unless acted upon by an outside force. Our goal is to help you become your own force. To stay in motion.

This approach is inherently discomfortable. Being discomfortable, in our view, is different than being uncomfortable, and far superior. Being uncomfortable implies experiencing damage and pain, like pushing yourself too hard during a workout and getting injured. Being discomfortable implies that you are stepping out of your comfort zone regularly, but in a healthy manner, with plenty of breaks and time to recuperate. In fact, getting less than 7 hours of sleep per night will actually harm your overall score in the app.

The biggest challenge is to implement a system that keeps this as lightweight and simple as possible. InerTia is our valiant effort to achieve that. This system is based loosely on a few key principles taught by Cal Newport in his blog Study Hacks, in application format.

At Evenstar Creative, we don't believe in dabbling. We believe in focusing on as many areas as desired, yes, but with an intent to master each one. We reject the modern-day zeitgeist of both specialization and generalization, and instead focus on true mastery. At Evenstar, we believe in being a master of many trades. At Evenstar, we believe in lifelong commitment, and being "in it to win it".

Designed by Alex Neville, a software engineer/writer/runner/weight lifter/digital artist/theme park enthusiast/musician/PLC programmer/IT guy with big dreams and predominantly inattentive ADHD. I've always had trouble with the big question: How do I balance doing everything that I love? Because I refuse to drop a single thing. With InerTia, our hope is that you'll never have to.

For questions, comments, or bugs, contact Alex Neville at softwaredev [at] alexanderneville [dot] com.