
Brief AppScript written to properly sort the columns of my projects spreadsheet.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Brief AppScript written to properly sort the columns of my projects spreadsheet. Used in conjunction to organize my projects with a Trello capture system.

No "life maintenance" items will go on this sheet -- projects ONLY. Mosquito tasks will be relegated to the Trello board. The reason for this is that annoying everyday tasks tend to cause clutter, which makes it difficult to focus on long-term goals, as well as recreation.

Items are sorted by due date and then priority. Recurring tasks, such as Leetcode review and the 50% rule for Drawabox, may be pinned to the top. Completed items are pinned to the bottom, colored blue, and crossed out.


  • P1: Essentials (School and Work)
  • P2: Key Focus Areas
  • P3: Secondary Focus Areas
  • P4: Fun / Creative Inspiration / Communication


  • Pending
  • In Progress
  • Paused
  • Completed
  • Discarded


Focus Areas:


  • School
  • Work


  • Computer Science (General)
  • Computer Graphics
  • Cybersecurity
  • 2D Art
  • 3D Art
  • 50% Rule
  • Fiction Writing and Poetry
  • Theme Park Design
  • Math and Physics


  • Other Writing
  • Fitness
  • Visualization
  • Clarinet
  • Piano and Vocals


  • Gaming
  • Weekly Internet
  • TV Shows
  • Movies
  • General Reading
  • Misc. Reading
  • Webcomics Reading