
Compiler / JIT / Linker. Zero dependencies

Primary LanguageDBoost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0

Small and fast JIT/AOT compiler with zero dependencies

Build status

Latest CI build Channel on /r/ProgrammingLanguages discord

Vox programming language

Vox is a multiparadigm programming language inspired by D (60%), Jai (30%) and Zig (10%).

Main features

  • Fast compilation
  • Strong metaprogramming
  • Can be used for scripting and standalone programs (both JIT and AOT compilation)
  • No dependencies (except D compiler)

Similarities to D language

  • Same syntax for most portions of the language (struct, function, enum, for, while, if, UFCS, slices, arrays)
  • Conditional compilation
  • Templates, Variadic templates and functions
  • C interoperability

Differences from D language

  • No GC, minimal runtime, no classes (only structs), no exceptions
  • More compile-time features, faster CTFE
  • Using templates for heavy calculations is discouraged, instead CTFE can be used for introspection, and code generation.
  • Macros (WIP)
  • No C++ interoperability

Syntax examples

i32 fib(i32 number) {
    if (number < 1) return 0;
    if (number < 3) return 1;
    return fib(number-1) + fib(number-2);

struct Point {
    i32 x;
    i32 y;

T min[T](T a, T b) {
    if (a < b) return a;
    return b;
  • Roguelike tutorial using SDL2 - repo
  • Example of JIT compilation for amd64 from D code:
// Source code
string source = q{
    void test(i32* array, i32 index, i32 value) {
        array[index] = value;

// Error handling is omitted
Driver driver;
scope(exit) driver.releaseMemory;
driver.addModule(SourceFileInfo("test", source));

// Get function pointer
auto testFun = driver.context.getFunctionPtr!(void, int*, int, int)("test");

// Use compiled function
int[2] val = [42, 56];
testFun(val.ptr, 1, 10);
assert(val[1] == 10);

Project goals

  • Strong focus on application extensions
  • Maximize user productivity
  • Maximize application performance
  • AOT and JIT, plugin support, runtime compilation, embedded compiler, tiered compilation
  • Static typing
  • Great error messages
  • Fast / Incremental compilation
  • Minimize effort needed for installation, setup, integration
    • Minimal dependencies/encapsulate dependency into module or package
    • Runtime as a library/minimal runtime/no runtime
    • Embedding/extern C
    • Code driven compilation, extending compiler from inside of the program being compiled
  • Processor intrinsics
  • Conditional compilation
  • CTFE, Templates, Introspection, Code generation

Target platforms (Only win64 is supported now):

  • amd64 (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
  • WebAssembly (browsers)
  • ARM (Android, Linux)
  • SPIR-V (Vulkan/OpenCL/OpenGL shaders)

Running & testing

In main.d uncomment one of the following lines:

//version = bench; // Runs benchmark
//version = devtest; // Run single test with fine-tuned logging. Useful for development. Uses tester.runDevTests(). Toggle options there for precise analisys while developing.
//version = test; // Runs test suite. Uses tester.runAllTests().

and run with: source> dmd -m64 -i main.d && main

Benchmarking: ldc2 -d-version=bench -m64 -O3 -release -boundscheck=off -enable-inlining -flto=full -i main.d && main

Debug CLI build: dmd -i -g -m64 -version=cli main.d -of=../test_work_dir/tjc.exe

Release CLI build: ldc2 -d-version=cli -m64 -O3 -release -boundscheck=off -enable-inlining -flto=full -i main.d -of=../test_work_dir/tjc.exe

Pretty asserts with stack traces are disabled in non-debug builds by default.

  • Add --d-debug=PRETTY_ASSERT flag to enable pretty asserts in ldc release build.
  • Add -debug=PRETTY_ASSERT flag to enable pretty asserts in dmd release build.

Using Commandline interface

Getting help

Gives full list of flags

tjc --help

Hello world

Produces hello.exe

tjc hello.vx C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll

Input files

Each file must begin with --- <name>, three dashes, space and name.

Files can be nested inside directories --- dir/dir2/file.txt.


--- main.vx
import utils;
void main() { ExitProcess(42); }
--- kernel32.vx
void ExitProcess(u32 uExitCode);

Can be compiled with tjc program.har C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll

  • .dll files. Compiler will link external functions by searching symbols inside provided .dll file(s).

CLI Tools

Compiler contains embedded tools:

PDB dump

Prints content of tjc.pdb file into stdout.

tjc pdb_dump tjc.pdb

Compiler overview


  • Impl size: 30k LoC of D, 2MB exe
  • Time to compile: 4.2s debug / 45s release
  • Test suite: 52ms for 184 tests


  • Parsing - produces AST
  • Semantic insert - Fills scopes with identifiers
  • Semantic lookup - Resolves symbol references
  • Semantic types - Type checking
  • IR gen - Conversion of AST into linear IR in SSA form
  • Optimization - optimizes machine independent IR
  • IR to LIR - Conversion of high level IR to machine code IR in SSA form (LIR)
  • Live intervals - Collects liveness info about values for use in register allocation
  • Linear Scan Register Allocation - Replaces virtual registers with physical ones
  • Stack layout - Calculates offsets for stack slots
  • Code gen - Converts LIR into machine code
  • Linking
  • Executable generation (optional, used in non-JIT mode)

Source code

source directory content:

  • /asmtest - tests for instruction encodings.
  • /ir - IR specific stuff.
  • amd64asm.d - instruction encoding for amd64 architecture.
  • ast.d - Abstract Syntax Tree nodes.
  • ast_to_ir.d - IR generation.
  • bench.d - compilation benchmark.
  • driver.d - compiler driver.
  • emit_mc_amd64.d - final machine code generation for amd64 arch.
  • identifier.d - Identifier type.
  • ir_test.d - implementation of SSA IR construction algorithm.
  • ir_to_lir_amd64.d - instruction selection for amd64 arch.
  • lir_amd64.d - LIR for amd64 arch.
  • liveness.d - liveness analysis.
  • main.d - compiler entry.
  • optimize.d - some optimizations for IR.
  • pecoff.d - loading of .lib, .obj files. Generation of .exe files. Linking utilities. Dumping utilities. Works with files in PE/COFF format.
  • register_allocation.d - Linear Scan Register Allocation algorithm.
  • semantics.d - semantic analysis passes.
  • stack_layout.d - layout of stack slots.
  • tests.d - compiler test suite.

Test suite

It uses jitting for most tests, which allows D code to call into compiled test case and to pass D function pointers inside compiled code.