Algebras workshop

This is the coding section of the workshop. Your task is to write the monoid instances in the monoid.ts. You have one hour to do as much as you can. Feel free to pair up or create small groups.

There are three parts to the repository:

├── magma
│   └── magma.ts
├── semigroup
│   ├── semigroup.ts
│   └── semigroup.test.ts
└── monoid
    ├── monoid.ts
    └── monoid.test.ts


The magma.ts contains the definition of a magma, but since it doesn't have a lot of properties it's applicability is not that great. It's there as a minimal example.


The semigroup.ts contains a definition of a semigroup as well as a number of semigroup instances. These are all valid, complete instances passing the tests defined in the semigroup.test.ts. Use these for help and guidance for implementing the monoid instances.


The monoid.ts contains a definition of a monoid as well as a number of placeholders for the monoid instances. The tests for the instances are in the monoid.test.ts.

Your task is to finish writing the monoid instances. Use whatever help you need, ask questions.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Nix users, open a nix shell nix develop -c $SHELL, others make sure node and npm are installed
  3. Run npm install to install the dependencies
  4. Run npx jest to run the tests