Exploring Azure Deployment stack preview
Microsoft official docs : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/bicep/deployment-stacks?tabs=azure-cli
az login --tenant 7517bc42-bcf8-4916-a677
az account set --subscription c1537527-c126-428d-8f72
az deployment sub create --name "20230722.01" --template-file yaystack01.bicep --location westeurope
$deployment=az deployment sub create --name "20230722.01" --template-file yaystack01.bicep --location westeurope
($deployment | ConvertFrom-Json).properties.outputs.alphaName.value
Some test on the lifecycle
$stack=az stack sub create --name "yaystack" `
--template-file yaystack01.bicep --location westeurope `
--deny-settings-mode "DenyDelete" `
--delete-all false `
--delete-resource-groups false `
--delete-resources false
($stack | ConvertFrom-Json).outputs.alphaName.value
The "Deployment Stack" define the deployment name with the following naming convention: take({stack-name}-{timestamp}-{uniqueid}, 64)
RESULT : new resource added to the stack, no unmanaged resources
az stack sub create --name "yaystack" `
--template-file yaystack02.bicep --location westeurope `
--deny-settings-mode "DenyDelete" `
--delete-all false `
--delete-resource-groups false `
--delete-resources false
RESULT : stogamma moved to the unmanaged resources list but not deleted from Azure
az stack sub create --name "yaystack" `
--template-file yaystack03.bicep --location westeurope `
--deny-settings-mode "DenyDelete" `
--delete-all false `
--delete-resource-groups false `
--delete-resources false
- stobeta has been deleted from the stack and from Azure.
- no action has been taken on stogamma that was in the unmanaged. stogamma IS NOT deleted.
- the detached list is empty (I would prefer to still see the stogamma in the list).
az stack sub create --name "yaystack" `
--template-file yaystack04.bicep --location westeurope `
--deny-settings-mode "DenyDelete" `
--delete-all false `
--delete-resource-groups false `
--delete-resources true