
A set of efficient tools for CNF manipulations.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

CNF Tools

This code is a collection of tools for the manipulation of CNF formulas in dimacs format. So far we only provide the command line tool


which transforms a CNF formula F into a k-CNF formula Fₖ which is satisfiable if and only if F was. The transformation goes along the following lines (the example is for k = 4): consider a clause of F,

x₁ v x₂ v x₃ v x₄ v x₅.

This becomes

y₀ ∧ (¬y₀ v x₁ v x₂ v y₁) ∧ (¬y₁ v x₃ v x₄ v y₂) ∧ (¬y₂ v x₅ v y₂) ∧ ¬y₃

where {yᵢ} are new extension variables.

Target of the sofware

Anyone can use this software of course! But the main target is the community of SAT solver programmers, who may want to test they solvers on canonical families of formulas. Proof complexity researcher may be interested to, since they study the computational complexity of proving that a CNF formula is unsatisfiable.


cnf2kcnf reads a dimacs file from standard input and outputs the translated formula to the standard output. For example

cnf2kcnf < formula.cnf > translation3cnf.cnf 

converts the CNF in the file formula.cnf into a 3-CNF which is saved to translation3cnf.cnf.

To convert the formula to k-CNF for k‌≠3, use the option [-k] where k is an (single digit, sorry) number. For example

cnf2kcnf -5 < formula.cnf > translation5cnf.cnf 

gives you a 5-CNF. For more information type

cnf2kcnf -h

Requirements and Compilation

To compile the code you need a C++ compiler which supports C++11 standard. With GNU C++ compiler and make utility installed, it is sufficient to type


to build the software. If you have C++ Unit installed then typing

make test

will build and run a test suite.

What is a CNF?

A propositional formula a representation of a function oven {0,1} variables. Consider such a variable x, then ¬x is a formula which has value 1-x. This is called the negation of x. Expressions of the form x and ¬x are called \literals/, and a clause is a disjunction

l₁ v l₂ v … v lₖ

where each lᵢ is a literal. A clause evaluates to one if and only if at least one of the literals evaluates to one. Otherwise the clause evaluates to zero. A CNF is a conjunction of clauses

C₁ ∧ C₂ ∧ … ∧ Cₘ

and the CNF evaluates to one if all clauses evaluates to one.

To falsify a formula we need an input for which the formula evaluates to 0; to satisfy a formula we need an input for which it evaluates to 1. Observe that to falsify a CNF it is sufficient to pick a clause and set the variables in such a way that all literals in the clause evaluate to zero. There is no efficient algorithm that decides whether a CNF is satisfiable or not.

DIMACS encoding of CNFs

The program outputs CNF formulas encoded in dimacs format, which has the following structure:

at the beginning of the file there may be an arbitrary number of comment lines, which must start with character c. The first non comment line specifies how many variables and how many clauses are in the CNF formulas. The next lines are sequence of non zero integers followed by zero.

p cnf <N> <M>
<i> <i> <i> <i> 0
<i> <i> <i> 0

Each line after the specification represents a clause in the following way: a positive number t is the positive literal on the variable indexed by t. A negative number t is the negated literal on the variable indexed by -t.

For example if the formula is defined on n variables x₁, x₂, …, xₙ then the line 3 -1 5 6 -4 0 encodes the clause x3 v ¬x₁ v x₅ v x₆ v ¬x₄.