
Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Dummy Hex Casting Addon

Or HexDummy for short! This is an up-to-date bare-bones template for starting a multiloader Hex Casting addon on 1.19.2 with Architectury. Includes all necessary dependencies on both Forge and Fabric loaders, plus some demo bits. There is nothing specifically for Quilt here because Fabric builds implicitly support Quilt.

It is an amalgamation of the HexCastingEmptyAddon, the forge-fabric-mixin 1.19.2 template from Architectury templates, a few helpful bits from Hex Gloop's setup, and some custom improvements thrown in.

How to get started?

  1. Create a repo from this template (make sure to tick the "Include all branches" radio box for the online hex book to work) and clone it.
  2. Add modrinthApiToken and curseforgeApiToken values to your user-specific gradle properties in Gradle User Home. You can leave them empty for now.
  3. In the entire project, rename occurrences of hexdummy to your mod's id, both in files and in directory structure. Preferably also change occurrences adjacent to "Dummy" in text and file names to something related to your project, and change the base package path to something other than net.hexdummy, e.g. to io.github.yourname.yourmod.
  4. Check out the Architectury wiki if you haven't yet. If you can't find something there, try searching on their Discord.
  5. After checking out how demo patterns are registered, replace them with your own! You can look into Hex Casting sources to see real implementations. If you're new to this, here's a challenge: try making a single-pattern equivalent of the raycast mantra.
  6. Launch the game client. Time for testing!
  7. (Optional) Set up the publishMods tasks to simplify publishing updates: add necessary API keys to your user-specific properties, add necessary project ids to root gradle.properties, and uncomment curseforge / modrinth / both segments in the publishMods task in build.gradle files from forge and fabric directories.

Common problems

  • IntelliJ IDEA shows false-positive errors about not being to access something in Kotlin files, but code compiles and runs fine.
    • Delete the .idea folder and re-open the project.

Why did I make this?

To put it simply, I have a WIP addon of my own, and was looking for a sustainable long-term solution for supporting all the major loaders (Forge, Fabric, Quilt). I had a hard time figuring it out at first, then got carried away, and the end result is something that, I think, might be useful to people other than me.

Some conveniences I have managed to get to work so that you don't have to:

  • Patchouli additions showing up in dev environment (there were problems with how patchouli reads its data).
  • Slightly improved docgen system based on the one from HexCastingEmptyAddon, with a gradle task and fixes to a few issues:
    • Patterns category becoming a spoiler if there are spell patterns but no regular patterns.
    • Per-world patterns not actually parsing as per-world (was a regex issue).

There are other templates, like the aforementioned Talia-12's EmptyHexCastingAddon, but this one is a bit more light, beginner-friendly, and up-to-date, in my opinion. However, do check out Talia's template if you would like to see how to add configs and / or see how the Xplat multiloader layout works, which is what Hex Casting itself and some other addons use.


  • Petrak@ and other Hex Casting devs, for making Hex Casting in general.
  • Talia-12, for making the stripped-down addon template which helped me get started with this one.
  • SamsTheNerd, author of the Hex Gloop addon also powered by Architectury: its setup code helped me resolve an issue or two with Architectury here.
  • Architectury devs and their Discord server.
  • [object Hexxy.Media] and Cypher, for some helpful pointers after initial template release.