
All about my Discord bot called TheDoctor


TheDoctor is in it's third iteration, now using DiscordJS v14 and build with slash commands. This bot is hosted by me myself, but available to anyone that wants to use it's features.

Click here to invite me to your server.

If you found any issues with the bot, please let me know by opening a bug report. Need more documentation? Or got a suggestion? Please don't hesitate to ask and let me know!

Current features

At this moment the bot already has the following functionalities available to use:

Mass-assigning or revoking roles

Command Privilege required Parameters
/roles mass assign
/roles mass revoke
Manage Roles 1: The @role to be assigned or revoked
2: True or False to indicate if the bot should only
go through the users in the current channel

/roles mass assign @visitors False
Will assign the @visitors role to all users in the server.

/roles mass revoke @gamenight True
Revoke the @gamenight role from all the users in the current channel.

Sending DMs to users by the bot

Command Privilege required Parameters
/senddm Manage Messages 1: The @user to send the message to
2: The color of the embed showing the message
3: The message actual message to show to the user

/senddm @randomuser Blue Thank you for helping us today!
Will send a message to @randomuser showing as followed:
Example senddm

Adding a number of messages to a channel

Command Privilege required Parameters
/messages add Manage Messages 1: The amount of messages to send to the current channel

/messages add 5
Will send 5 messages to the current channel. Example messages add 5

Removing a number of messages from a channel

Command Privilege required Parameters
/messages remove Manage Messages 1: The amount of messages to remove from the current channel

/messages remove 5
Will remove 5 messages from the current channel, starting with the latest.

Removing a number of messages by a specific user

Command Privilege required Parameters
/messages remove_by Manage Messages 1: The @user who's messages to remove
2: The amount of messages to remove
3: True or False indicating to remove messages from all channels

/messages remove_by @naughtyuser 5 False
Will remove the last 5 messages made by @naughtyuser in the current channel.

/messages remove_by @banneduser 5 True
Will remove the last 5 messages made by @banneduser in each channel of this server.

Ping/Test to see if the bot is working properly

Command Privilege required Parameters

Will have the bot respond with Pong!

Will have the bot respond with Test OK!

Planned and requested features

Currently planned features are listed here, but feel free to suggest more.

  • GitHub.com repository messages to report new or updated Pull Requests, Issues and Releases
  • RegEx moderation of messages