image retrieval demo
This repo is a minimal demo for image retrieval/loop closure detection. It is based on the DBoW3 project.
The code has been tested on MacOS(Apple silicon) with clang-1316. Ubuntu should also work. You need to install the following libraries:
OpenCV 3.4.16 with contrib modules
We use OpenCV to extract keypoints and descriptors. The contrib modules are required. Just follow the official guide to install OpenCV with contrib modules.
Create a temporary directory, which we denote as <cmake_build_dir>, where you want to put the generated Makefiles, project files as well the object files and output binaries and enter there.
For example
cd ~/opencv
mkdir build
cd build
Configuring. Run cmake [<some optional parameters>] <path to the OpenCV source directory>
For example
cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..
to build with modules from opencv_contrib set OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH to <path to opencv_contrib/modules/>
We use DBoW3 to build the bag-of-words vocabulary, encode images and perform image retrieval.
DBoW3 requires OpenCV only. As described in official guide, we install DBoW3 as follow:
git clone
cd DBow3
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ..
sudo make install
Clone the repository and use the build script to build the project.
How to use
There are two main programs in the project: make_voc
and query
This program builds the bag-of-words vocabulary from a set of images. The vocabulary is saved to a file. The program takes two arguments: the path to a text file containing the paths of images and the path to the output voc file.
make_voc <images_txt> <vocabulary_output_file>
This program performs image retrieval based on a given vocabulary. It takes Two arguments: the path to the vocabulary file and the path to the database images directory. The program will load all images in that directory to build a database and you can query any image in the database. The program will show the top 4 retrieved images and their scores(the top 1 is the query image itself and the score is 1). You can input exit
to quit the program.
query <vocabulary_file> <database_dir>
We test the program on KITTI dataset. The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite is a repository of real-world data for autonomous driving created by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago.
We provide a small vocabulary trained on 10 sequences of KITTI dataset named KITTI_voc.yml.gz
in data/
. You can use it to test the program. There are also a large vocabulary orbvoc.dbow3
provided by DBoW3.
We also use one_hot_gen
to transform the images in sequence 02 and 05 of KITTI dataset to one-hot encoding using the vocabulary KITTI_voc.yml.gz
. The one-hot encoding images are saved in data/02.txt
and data/05.txt
. Each line in the text file is the image path and the one-hot encoding(10000 dimension) of the image.