
Drawer built with react-motion

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Example | Usage | API

Navigation drawer built with the awesome react-motion by @chenglou and react-hammerjs by @JedWatson


To run the example locally, run:

$ npm install
$ npm run serve
$ npm run open # or open http://localhost:9999/example/index.html in your browser


import Drawer from 'react-motion-drawer';
  <Drawer open={false} onChange={onChange}>

If you want the drawer on the right side of the screen you need the following css.

  body {
    overflow: hidden;

Hooking into the animation

You can hook into the animation by passing a function as the child component.

  <Drawer open={false} width={300} onChange={onChange}>
    { val =>
      <ul style={{ opacity: 300 / val }}>



  • zIndex: number - z-index of the drawer (default 10000)
  • noTouchOpen: bool - can a user pan to open (default false)
  • noTouchClose: bool - can a user pan to close(default false)
  • onChange: func - called when the drawer is open (default () => {})
  • drawerStyle: object - additional drawer styles
  • className: object - additional drawer className
  • overlayClassName: object - additional overlay className
  • config: array - configuration of the react-motion animation (default [350, 40])
  • open: bool - states if the drawer is open (default false)
  • width: number - width of the drawer (default 300)
  • height: number - height of the drawer (default '100%')
  • handleWidth: number - width of the handle (default 20)
  • peakingWidth: number - width that the drawer peaks on press (default 50)
  • panTolerance: number - tolerance until the drawer starts to move (default 50)
  • right: bool - drawer on the right side of the screen (default false)
  • overlayColor: string - color of the overlay (default rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4))
  • fadeOut: bool - fade out (default false)
  • offset: number - offset of the drawer (default 0)


MIT © Christoph Hermann