Welcome to the experience of Demon Dungeon, a thrilling maze game. Control the hovering Demon skull and help him reach the mystic portal hidden somewhere in the maze.
- The goal of the game is to control the Demon skull and help him find the hidden portal.
- You will begin the game at a designated starting point within the maze.
- To navigate the maze, you can use the WASD keys. Use these controls to move your character forward, and backward, and rotate around the verticle axis.
- To move faster/sprint hold the Shift button.
- Audio folder contains the various soundtracks used in the game.
- Images folder contains the textures used in the game.
- Models folder contains the models (such as the Demon skull) used in the game.
- charactercontroller.js contains the code for controlling the Demon skull.
- tpcamera.js contains the code for the third-person camera that follows the Demon skull.
- walls.js contains the walls of the maze, their alignment, and their colliders.
- main.js is the main javascript code where the game is running.