
An ongoing project to keep track of D&D stuff.

The Codex Mundi

A JSON Data File Repository

This is an ongoing project to keep track of D&D files. These files have been designed to be compatible with the 'Grimoire 5e' iOS app (release date sometime in Q3 2018 as I'm told by the developer).

It is my hope that the community will help to keep these files updated as new content is released - as well as to fix typos or other mistakes. Gooooo collaboration!

How to use these files in your app

Make sure that you are on the 'master' branch. Look for the green button that says 'Clone or download'. Download the files to your computer, or save them to your icloud drive. From there, import them into the Grimoire app.

These files contain all of the content from the following:

  • Player's Handbook
  • Dungeon Master's Guide
  • Monster Manual
  • Volo's Guide to Monsters
  • Xanathar's Guide to Everything
  • Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
  • Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

It also contains all the monsters, items, and character options from the published adventures, as well as the Elemental Evil Player's Companion.

How to Contribute

If you are not familiar with the git workflow, I suggest you do some reading up on it. It seems daunting, but it's really quite easy once you get the hang of it. Once you are ready to make some contributions or changes, fork the repo, make your changes in your own repo and then click "New Pull Request". Make sure that

Afterwards, pull the repo. Please make sure to create your own branch with a descriptive name, in the fork. Branch names should have the following format:


example if adding one item:

example if adding several spells:

example if making a prearranged large feature

Ensure that your commits are clear and concise, and would easily finish the following sentence: "This commit will..."

example commit:
"Fix a typo in Aid spell"
"Add three monsters from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes"

Note: when adding objects to a file, it is preferred that they are added at the end of the file. It is good practice to keep a limit on changes. Unwieldy, large PR's must be discussed beforehand; generally, however, they will be rejected. Adding five objects to a file is considered acceptable; more is considered unwieldy. If comments are made to your PR, please address them in a timely fashion. After a PR has been approved, it will be merged in by a moderator and that branch will be deleted. As such, make sure to not have anything else that you need there.

Review turnaround times: I will strive to get to all reviews within a week of them being posted. Most of the time it will be sooner. After a week, you may ping me to ask to for a review if there's been no activity.

Why JSON and not XML?

It seems that the overall preference of the users that have made these types of files available to the D&D community has been to use XML files. The developer of Grimoire 5e seems to have taken a different approach and decided to use JSON files for the following reasons:

  1. JSON requires less tags than XML – XML items must be wrapped in open and close tags whereas JSON you just name the tag once.
  2. Parsing JSON objects is faster. Parsing XML is slow and cumbersome. Many parsing libraries can use large amounts of memory due to the verbosity and cost of parsing large XML files.
  3. JSON data model’s structure matches the data: JSON’s data structure is a map whereas XML is a tree. Although a map (just key/value pairs) can be limiting, that’s what we want, because it is easier to interpret and is predictable.
  4. Same interoperability as XML - no loss there.
  5. JSON is easier for humans to read than XML – Obviously a personal preference, but very important for seeing exactly what you're dealing with.

Organization & File Structure

These files model the D&D universe by splitting it into eight categories:

  • Items
  • Backgrounds
  • Feats
  • Spells
  • Races
  • Classes
  • Monsters
  • Unearthed Arcana

Because of the plethora of sorting functions to view items/monsters/etc. in the app makes finding anything quite easy, it was decided that, rather than maintaining several different file sets for different addons (Modern items, or PHB compendiumn, Volo's compendium, etc), it would be more efficient to maintain a file for each category. Certainly, this means you have to import each file separately. While this may seem cumbersome, it is much less cumbersome than attempting to maintain a JSON file of a nearly a million lines. Finally, it is of no importance that objects within the JSON blobs be in any particular order - alphabetical or whatever. However, when adding objects to a file, it is preferred that they are added at the end of the file helping to establish a chronology of items added.

Why is Unearthed Arcana separate? Not everyone wants that content. The idea is to have official content easily accessible with Unearthed Arcana, or your own homebrew files loaded on top.

Generally, the JSON files will have the following structure, with the exception of Unearthed Arcana. Any new objects that are added, must be added in the respective files, within the respective brackets. For example, the CodexITEMS.json file will look like this:

    "item": [
            YOUR OBJECT HERE

Unearthed Arcana will contain all the categories together. The template that I've been given by the developer which contains the Deault SRD Open Gaming Content is arranged in this fashion - which explains why the other files have a seemingly unnecessary top level json blob.

    "item": [
    "monster": [
    "spell": [

Model structure

In this section, I will outline the expected JSON tags for each category - these are based on a default template I've received from beta testing the Grimoire's import file option. Failing to adhere to these tags and structure will cause your PR to be rejected.


Tag Content Type Example Required Notes
name String "Magic Missile" Y
srdContent Boolean false Y If this item is part of SRD content, this should be true. Otherwise, false.
module String "core" Y Options:
- core
- modern
- renaissance
- futuristic
- wuxia-chinese
- wuxia-japanese
- unearthedArcana
level Integer 0 Y Spell levels - 0 being cantrips
school String "A" Y Options:
- A (Abjuration)
- C (Conjuration)
- D (Divination)
- EN (Enchantment)
- EV (Evocation)
- I (Illusion)
- N (Necromancy)
- T (Transmutation)
ritual Boolean true Y
time String "1 action" Y
range String "30 feet" Y
components String "V, M (a tiny strip of cloth)" Y
duration String "8 hours" Y
classes String "Rogue (Arcane Trickster), Cleric, Paladin" Y Classes should include a base class ("Rogue") and, if applicable, an extension class in parantheses. Classes should be separated by a comma and a space
text String Array ["Example one", "Example two"] Y Description of the spell
source String "Player's Handbook p. 123" N It is preferred to have this included, for ease of location of item in source material.


Tag Content Type Example Required Notes
name String "Sling Bullets" Y
srdContent Boolean false Y If this item is part of SRD content, this should be true. Otherwise, false.
module String "core" Y Options:
- core
- modern
- renaissance
- futuristic
- wuxia-chinese
- wuxia-japanese
- unearthedArcana
type String "HA" Y Options:
- A (Ammunition)
- HA (Heavy Armor)
- R (Ranged)
- $ (Currency)
- LA
- MA (Medium Armor)
- G (Gear)
- W (Wondrous)
- M (Melee)
- ST (Staff) - RD (Rod)
- S (Shield)
- SC (Scroll)
- WD (Wand)
- RG (Ring)
- P (Potion)
magic Boolean true N Wether the item in question is a magical item or not. If tag is not present, item is assumed to be non-magical
rarity String "uncommon" N Rarity and/or attunment requirements
weight Double 0.25 N Item weight, in lbs. Can be an integer (ie. 4 is fine. 4.0 is not needed)
text String Array ["Hot to touch", "Super sharp"] Y
source String "Player's Handbook p. 123" N It is preferred to have this included, for ease of location of item in source material.
ac Integer 9001 N Indicates if item provides an Armor Class rating while being worn
strength Integer 2 N Indicates if item has a strength requirement to being worn
stealth Boolean true N Set to 'true' if item provides a STEALTH DISADVANTAGE. If this is not present, it is assumed it is false
dmg1 String 1d5 N On weapon items, indicates the primary damage the weapon does
dmg2 String 1d8 N On weapon items, indicates the secondary damage the weapon does
dmgType String "P" N On weapon items, indicates the type of damage that weapon does
property String "M, T, V" N On weapon items, indicates the weapon properties. Options:
- P (Piercing)
- F (Finesse)
- H (Heavy)
- 2H (Two Handed)
- V (Versatile)
- T (Thrown)
range String "20/60" N On throwable items, indicates range that it can be thrown, in feet
modifier MODIFIER
See Custom JSON Objects below for details N Includes modifier details about the item


Tag Content Type Example Required Notes
name String "Acolyte" Y
srdContent Boolean false Y If this item is part of SRD content, this should be true. Otherwise, false.
module String "core" Y Options:
- core
- modern
- renaissance
- futuristic
- wuxia-chinese
- wuxia-japanese
- unearthedArcana
proficiency String "Insight, Religion" Y Comma separated list of proficiencies
trait TRAIT Array See Custom JSON Objects below for details Y


Tag Content Type Example Required Notes
name String "Aarakocra" Y
srdContent Boolean false Y If this item is part of SRD content, this should be true. Otherwise, false.
module String "core" Y Options:
- core
- modern
- renaissance
- futuristic
- wuxia-chinese
- wuxia-japanese
- unearthedArcana
size String "M" Y Options:
- T (Tiny)
- S (Small)
- M (Medium)
- L (Large)
- H (Huge)
- G (Gargantuan)
speed Integer 25 Y Assumed to be in feet
ability String "Cha 2, Wis 1" Y Any ability bonuses that a race has
proficiency String "Stealth" N If a race has any natural proficiency for an ability
spellAbility String "Constitution" N If a race has a natural spell spell affinity, it is noted here
trait TRAIT
See Custom JSON Objects below for details N Details on the race, each attributed to a specific source


Tag Content Type Example Required Notes
name String "Acrobat" Y
text String Array ["String 1", "String 2"] Y
module String "core" Y Options:
- core
- unearthedArcana
prerequisite String "Gnome (Rock)" N
srdContent Boolean false Y If this item is part of SRD content, this should be true. Otherwise, false.
source String "Player's Handbook p. 1" N It is preferred to have this included, for ease of location of item in source material.
modifier MODIFIER
See Custom JSON Objects below for details N


Tag Content Type Example Required Notes
name String "Cleric" Y
srdContent Boolean false Y If this item is part of SRD content, this should be true. Otherwise, false.
module String "core" Y Options:
- core
- modern
- renaissance
- futuristic
- wuxia-chinese
- wuxia-japanese
- unearthedArcana
hd Integer 5 Y Hit dice
proficiency String Array ["Constitution", "Intelligence"] Y Class proficiencies for abilities and skills
spellAbility String "Intelligence" Y Classes spell-casting attribute
numSkills Integer 5 Y The number of skills the class affords
autolevel LEVEL Array See Custom JSON Objects below for details Y Contains level features of the class
armor String "light armor" Y The type of armor this class wears
weapons String "simple weapons, hand crossbows" Y Weapons that the class is proficient with
tools String "three musical instruments" Y Tools that the class is proficient with
wealth String "5d4x10" Y The amount of money the class starts with


Tag Content Type Example Required Notes
name String "Aarakocra" Y
srdContent Boolean false Y If this item is part of SRD content, this should be true. Otherwise, false.
module String "core" Y Options:
- core
- modern
- renaissance
- futuristic
- wuxia-chinese
- wuxia-japanese
- unearthedArcana
size String "M" Y Options:
- T (Tiny)
- S (Small)
- M (Medium)
- L (Large)
- H (Huge)
- G (Gargantuan)
type String "fiend (demon)" Y
alignment String "chaotic evil" Y
ac String "15 (natural armor)" Y
hp String "137 (11d12+66)" Y
speed String "30 ft., climb 40 ft." Y
str Integer 1 Y
dex Integer 1 Y
con Integer 1 Y
int Integer 1 Y
wis Integer 1 Y
cha Integer 1 Y
save String "Intelligence +5" N
skill String "Perception +5, Stealth +3" N
immune String "cold" N Damage that the creature is immune to
vulnerable String "cold" N Damage that the creature is vulnerable to
resist String "cold" N Damage that the creature is resistant to
conditionImmune String "cold" N Conditions that the creature is immune to
senses String "darkvision 60 ft." N
passive Integer 15 Y Passive perception
languages String "Common" Y
cr String "1/4" Y Challange rating is as a string due to 1/2, 1/4, etc. ratings
trait TRAIT
See Custom JSON Objects below for details N Details on the creature
reaction TRAIT object See Custom JSON Objects below for details N Details on a specific reaction a creature might have
action ACTION Array See Custom JSON Objects below for details N Actions that creatures can take
legendary ACTION Array See Custom JSON Objects below for details N Legendary actions that a legendary creature can take
extraDetails String Array ["String one", "String two"] N Extra details on the creature
spells String "command, comprehend languages, aid" N List of spells available to creature, seperated by a comma and a space
slots Integer Array [3, 2, 2, 1] N A list of the number of spell slots
source String "Player's Handbook p. 123" N It is preferred to have this included, for ease of location of item in source material.
environment String "underdark, urban" N Comma separated string of environments where the creature can be found. If left out, it will be assume creature can be found in any environment.

Custom JSON Objects


Tag Content Type Example Required Notes
category String "bonus" Y Category options are:
-ability score
text String "dexterity +1" Y


Tag Content Type Example Required Notes
name String "Language" Y
text String or String Array "Example text"
[{"Example text", "Example text two"}]


Tag Content Type Example Required Notes
name String "Paralyzing Touch" Y
text String or String Array "Example text"
[{"Example text", "Example text two"}]


Tag Content Type Example Required Notes
level Integer 1 Y The level at which the feature is available
slots Integer Array [4, 2, 5] N What slots are available at this level
scoreImprovement Boolean true N If a score improvement is available at this level, this sholud be set to true


Tag Content Type Example Required Notes
optional Boolean true N The level at which the feature is available
name String "Arcane Tradition: School of Abjuration" Y
text String Array ["Example one", "Example two"] Y
source String "Player's Handbook p. 123" N It is preferred to have this included, for ease of location of item in source material.
proficiency String "Arcana" N Proficiency given by the feature